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Messages - joecool85

Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own Noisy Cricket
October 03, 2006, 08:45:41 AM
Cool.  Sounds like what I want in my guitar.  I was going to mount a LPB-1 circuit in there, but this would be even cooler.  I love the LM386 chip :-)
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own Noisy Cricket
October 01, 2006, 09:43:14 AM
Wow, this is great.  Could you draw up a quick schematic possibly?  If you don't/can't/won't I probably will make an attempt later and see if I can get it right.  I'd love to have this in the wiki, and I would like to test it some.  I used my little gem as a preamp for my amp a few times (both my dean markley, and my LM3886 setup) with good results, but I was afraid of it hurting stuff.  I did some research and found the voltage levels should be ok for the amp, but was worried about amps.  Since you've had good luck with it, it makes me wonder.  I'd love to see a solid LM386 preamp put together with 3 band EQ.  It's something I'm considering working on.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Chassis too small
October 01, 2006, 09:39:44 AM
Nope, no problem.  The transformer can go anywhere as far as that goes.  As far as safety...well, thats a judgement call on your part.  In fact, most of the hum is introduced by components being too close to the transformer, so as far as hum goes you'll be better off with it outside the case.
Preamps and Effects / Re: fuzz face
September 30, 2006, 07:55:14 AM
Try hosting your pic at or somewhere similar.
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own Noisy Cricket
September 29, 2006, 07:56:31 AM
Wow this is great.  I've been wanting to use one as a preamp (and did for a while) but was told not to because even though its small, it is technically a poweramp chip.  I was told it would do damage to my amp to run it that way.  So did you basically wire it like a little gem and then instead of going to a speaker, it goes to the rest of the amp?  Is the rest of it identical?
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own Noisy Cricket
September 28, 2006, 10:28:59 PM
Cool, I love the idea as a LM386 as a preamp.  What'd you use for a schematic for that?
Preamps and Effects / Re: fuzz face
September 27, 2006, 12:10:59 PM
Have you double checked your battery is good?  Also, does your battery get hot?  It might be a short.  If you can take pics of your board, we can look at it and give you some more ideas.

Also, one of the biggest mistakes with a fuzzface is putting your transistors in wrong.  Or using NPN trannies instead of PNP. 
In theory, yes you could.  None of us have done it yet (this board is quite new), and so if you want to try it, let us know.  The only thing is, it may not drive the poweramp to full potential, but you can adjust the gain from 22 on the poweramp boards. <- That is in reference to the LM3886 boards a lot of us got from
Yup, I did that to my Dean Markley K-20X and love it.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Mono 3886?
September 21, 2006, 07:12:37 AM
Yup, sure can.  In fact, thats what those kits are designed for lol.  I'm using a LM1875 stereo amp as my computer speaker amplifier.  Works great  8|
Follow the directions here:
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Mono 3886?
September 20, 2006, 06:14:50 PM
I have a mono LM3886 actually, it gives 50watts at 8ohms and 68watts at 4ohms.  It's a really loud setup.  And yes you can run half a stereo kit, but instead of buying a stereo kit, it would make more sense to buy a mono kit.  If you want to get one from, just email Brian and he will set you up.  That's how I got mine :-)
Yup, thats exactly how you would use it.  As for the line out, it depends, what do you have for an amp?
An acoustic speaker should work so long as it has the right wattage ratings, but the sound might not be quite "right."  Also with the bass in an electric guitar amp, it should be ok here and there, but some have said that, especially at loud levels, it is a lot of stress on the amp.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Amp kits...
September 06, 2006, 04:26:17 PM
The first one you listed I have built, its ok at best for guitar.  A 1/2w little gem is about as loud, and much better quality.