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Messages - doug deeper

Amplifier Discussion / Re: my amp!
May 21, 2007, 07:44:38 PM
well, ive blown it up!
i replaced the preamp with a bipolar version of the same pre.
and it sounded unreal! soooo clean and loud.
nothing was gotting hot no problems what so ever.
then i went to plug in a fuzz box and before i could even play the sound stopped and all i got was a low frequency oscillation.
i disconected the pre and it coninued to oscillate.
im pretty bummed out  :'(
any ideas what as to what i could have fried?

Amplifier Discussion / my amp!
May 20, 2007, 10:08:00 AM
no pics yet, but i built my first "big" ss amp yesterday and im pretty psyched with the results!

i used a descrete power amp kit from here:

and the opamp pre mentioned in the preamp section of these here fine forums (allthough a may make a descrete pre as well)

the power amp kit seems to work well, and comes with a heat sink too!
it also has 15v +/- taps so a second transformer can be avoided.
cheap kit to boot!
ill post pics soon!
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own LM386 Preamp
December 17, 2006, 07:17:22 PM
well said!
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own LM386 Preamp
December 17, 2006, 02:51:50 PM
i buffer wouldnt add any gain, just raise the input impedance, and make it a lot more pedal friendly (among other things).
Preamps and Effects / Re: Build Your Own LM386 Preamp
December 15, 2006, 01:07:16 PM
if you use the 386 as a pre you might want to add a buffer as well,
i input inpedance is fairly low if i recall correctly.
here is a fuzz i came up with that uses crossover distortion if you'd like to here what it sounds like at extremes!
Preamps and Effects / Re: TL071 preamp = super easy
December 13, 2006, 03:21:03 PM
how would this preamp perform on a 12v unregulated supply?