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Messages - ODGreen27


Thanks a lot for your help. I'm still learning a lot about power amps and everything that amplifiers involve in general. Because of this, I'm considering building the Tiny Giant power amp which is powered by a laptop power supply. I feel like this may ease me into understanding the workings of power amps with a simple and well documented build.

Here's a link to the vero for the Tiny Giant:

Thanks for all of the help so far!
JM, thank you for the quick response! Here is the schematic for the Run Off Groove Azabache.

Here is a direct link to the Run Off Groove website with more info about the Azabache.

Would the output of the Azabache connect directly to the input of the chip amp power amp, or do I need to put a buffer between the two?

Also, would the volume pot on the preamp (Azabache) serve as the master volume or would it be a good idea to put a master volume on the power amp?

I know the Azabache would require 9v, but would the power amp require mains power? I'd like to try to keep this as low voltage as possible for my first build.

Thank you so much for your help!
Hey guys,

First time post here. I build guitar pedals and I'm really wanting to build a SS amp mainly for home practice and possibly gig use where low volume is required. I'm thinking somewhere between 8w-30w depending on what is easiest and most practical, as this is very new to me.

My main amp is a 5E3 Tweed Deluxe so I'm interested in putting together a solid state design that somewhat resembles that tweed tone. I came across the Run Off Groove Azabache and it seems to capture the tweed and blackface Fender tones quite nicely.

My question is, would I be able to simply use the ROG Azabache as the preamp and connect it to a power amp and house it all in a cabinet? I feel like I'm missing something, because I do not fully understand the workings of an amplifier as a whole. I've modded my tweed deluxe a bit, but just simple mods that did not require much amplifier knowledge.

I would greatly appreciate any help and advice as I continue to read this forum and learn more! Thanks!

Also, if this is possible, what type of power amp would you recommend?