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Messages - rexindigo

Hello, I am new to this forum so hi to everybody. After heaving around tube Amps  for years and years my band decided to go for digital modeling and minimal equipment. This works very well in the rehearsal room, but ended as a fiasco (do you have this word in english?) on the last gig. We went for no floor monitoring only sidefills, and they dropped out. So I decided to make my own monitoring for the next gig and got myself  a used crate powerblock wich is 2x 75 watts at 4 ohms. The very small powerfull 5 1/2" i have built into my small floor monitors  are labeled 50 watts rms at 8 ohms. As far as i understand the impedance missmatch will lead to a reduced power, so i hope that in this case the speakers are safe? Please excuse my poor english, any comment on this topic is welcome, greetings rex