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Messages - jangles642

Ok so I took the amp apart and sprayed contact cleaner (from Radioshack) in all the pots and in all the jacks, and then just sprayed a ton all over the circuit board hah. I also made sure all the plastic wire connecters were secure. I put the amp back together and....MAGIC!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least for now. We will see if it is still functional tomorrow.

I really cant believe it, because everything actually looked really clean on the inside of the amp. I was not expecting that to work!

Thanks guys/gals for the help!!!!!!
Update: I tried using a cable and connecting effects return to help. But, I did try plugging my guitar directly into the effects return and that helped the volume a little, but not much over the normal inputs. I'll get pics up soon. Thanks for the suggestions so far!!!!
Ok so I bought a used amp (Rouge GS-100) It worked for a bit, but now when I turn it on and play, it is very abnormally 'I can barely hear anything' quiet. It's quiet UNLESS I turn the volume all the way up(still quiet at this point) and strum real hard. At this point it crackles a bit and then "kicks in" and has normal very loud volume. I can turn the volume back down and play on it normally. It will stay like this for maybe 10-20 minutes, then it dies again. If I repeat the "kick start" process, it will start working again.

What the hell is going on here???? Help would be greatly appreciated...I'm playing live on Thursday, and it would suck to be one amp short!