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Messages - CrazyEddie

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Dead Bandit on ebay.
February 16, 2011, 10:05:49 PM
You make the good point that for that price I could very nearly get a working one.
That's just the starting bid - there's a Buy It Now option at £65, which is definitely working Bandit territory. Very optimistic seller.

I will probably be hanging around here in the future as I'm planning to take a break from valves, for a while at least.
I'm keeping my eye on Bandits, but also Super Tramps, Trademark 60s etc.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Dead Bandit on ebay.
February 15, 2011, 04:38:49 PM
Cheers, guys!

Joe - the Bandit is always a 1x12 combo, currently of 100W. As SS guitar amps go, they're one of the most respected, which is why I thought I would start there on my mission to stop worrying about tubes. My instinct is that 45 pounds for a non-working amp is quite a lot of money. Then again, how much can go wrong with an audio amplifier?

I thought there was a chance it was a common problem with that amp. I think for that price I'll just avoid it.
- Ed
The Newcomer's Forum / Dead Bandit on ebay.
February 15, 2011, 01:42:58 PM
Hello all!
I'm Ed, from the UK. I'm new here.

Now then. There's a dead Peavey Bandit on eBay, not far from me - the new style with the codpiece logo. The seller only says "The amp needs some repairs after a power surge at band practice."
What's the likely fault? Is it a major to fix? I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron.
Most of all, do you think it's worth the 45 quid starting price?
- Ed