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Messages - jtayres

thanks a lot for the hints. i pulled the trim pot but haven't got it on the meter yet. I'm adding a couple more pics. one of the bottom an the second is a close up of the area you isolated in your picture. I thought that looked like it might be grounding out but it seems like there is a plastic insulator inside the hole. but maybe its not enough.

woops pictures:

The Newcomer's Forum / noob trying to fix old kit amp
August 08, 2010, 11:14:35 PM
I found this old kit amp about a year ago and it sounded really cool. unfortunately about 2 weeks after i got it the thing blew something and now blows fuses instantly when turned on. I have no information on make or model but i took some pictures of it. The only thing that doesn't look right to me is the one capacitor in the center but i don't know what to replace that with. Any information of how to fix or when/where/what company made this thing would be great.