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I went back to try this with 120k ohm
albeit conceding there is probably a myriad of other mitigating factors messing this up that are beyond my comprehension.
but alas it was worth a shot and thanks to G1 for pointing that out... :)

so off we go..dialing in 120k ohm

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and I was able to obtain some much coveted (ugly) L shaped wave form from a diode...just not in the preferred orientation

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I spent a few mins switching ends on the diode and attaching and disconnecting scope lead ground clips and couldnt really make any progress.

I imagine there are some strict parameters that need to be observed for this to work...idk

but it was a cool experiment

thank you sir

ha ha too funny when i went back to look at my pad I turned on my calculator and it displayed the last calculation

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oh yeah forgot to put this in

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the weather here has been crappy so I set out to make a little component tester
here is a schematic from a video by w2aew

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an old transformer I had was at one time showing 16.3v

so I did some math and figured i needed about 1.2M ohm

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then i went about setting everything up using the transformer, decade box, breadboard, oscilloscope

I was extremely pleased to obtain a typical y=mx+b type resistive sloped rise

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but after that nothing worked out too well.  in fact i was able to obtain a lissijou? shape and I had no capacitor connected.  yet when I tried a capacitor i just got a line.

what I really wanted was a nice L shape from a diode so I eagerly connected one but no L were to be had.

I tried different directions and ground  clips and trigger modes etc but eventually gave up.


yes sir thanks

its also nice how the cord is not inside the tube it can rotate with the upper section

Amplifier Discussion / Re: NAD (its orange)
January 21, 2024, 01:41:12 PM
I just finished beating on this amp some more and have to say im pretty impressed.
one thing that freaked me out was how much contrast I can hear from different positions on my 5 way pickup switch (ibanez rg HSH)

the neck pu air norton sounds especially good

and whenever i pause while playing the amp is dead silent even with gain and overdrive cranked

so yeah its a good amp

im not wild about the power switch being on the back but its not a big deal

I like this amp its good stuff

i have been needing a lighted magnifying glass

finally picked one up yesterday

no name but heavy piece of steel for a base

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Amplifier Discussion / NAD (its orange)
January 20, 2024, 08:41:12 PM
I saw this today and tried to leave it alone
went home and watched football
about 1630 called the shop to see if the owner was still there
he was  :P
so I went and offered $40 for it
i own it now  :P

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I just finished making a bunch of noise with it.  Im pleased.

I was surprised how loud it can get I had to keep it low.

also maybe its brand new idk but the pots are squeaky clean usually when i drag an old amp home its static city and rice crispies for a while.  all good elsewhere no hiss squeals or hum.

I admit I only bought it because its orange.

welcome back to the advanced epicenter of high tech experimentation

trying to hustle through the easy part of this book so I can get to some good stuff

so today they have me setting up series parallel circuits...calculating resistance..then measuring

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its pretty boring...I must have plugged and chugged a thousand of problems like this in other old textbooks
but the difference now is now I have "lab exercises"
also next I get to bust out some variable resistors

oh yeah...
I was getting mad at my cheep aukenien resistors but I was incorrectly not using the fourth band as the multiplier

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I also tested some old stuff and learned that 3 bands means 20% tolerance

I still like the old resistors better the colors are awesome

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some of the resistances arent too close but check this out

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I have been having this old decade box for a while and kinda didnt have a use for it.
but then in my book breadboard experiments i needed a few resistors that I didnt have
then was groaning about ordering more  :'(

took me a while to figure it out  :P

but maybe i can use this

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hey guys
hope you are having a good holiday(s)

I have decided in the interest of thoroughness to go back and start an earlier book to the one that i was doing

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so yes its a step back but i dont want to miss anything and the best thing about this series of books is each chapter has lab exercises

anyhow wanna give everybody a big shout out
stay safe

and keep on rockin \M/

congrats on the fix nice work

I used to have one I found it on the curb and it was missing an input jack so I replaced it and it worked good.

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I always had plans to get an acoustic electric but never did

so really the only thing I ever played on it was "back on the chain gang" because it had a nice sparkly sound

Hi LBeast
go to preview post and try to do it from there
(I didnt figure this out somebody else did possibly G1)

good luck with your amp and welcome to the forum