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Messages - SpareRibs

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 31, 2013, 02:31:42 PM
      I am going to incorporate your second drawing into the schematic and post it back later today.The PA has three holes in the front, another one could be utilized if I dumped the power on light. I don't know a lot about uploading and downloading things, but I will struggle through it .
      I didn't think the Fender tone stack would be sufficient as a Fender Deluxe is kind of a crude amp to start with. I actually wanted a tone stack with mid range but I didn't know where to look. However I will worry about that later. The first thing is to iron the bugs out of this.
      Thank you once again for your time and effort.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 30, 2013, 05:49:25 PM
      The Fender Tweed Deluxe tone and volume circuit is in (Converting An Existing Amp Chassis For Guitar Use by Niels"Petco"Nielson) Pg.7. I put it between the first half of the 12AX7 pin #1 and pin #1 on the 6AU6, also I properly grounded it.
      I could not find a way to bring both drawings together. I was wondering why you would want it posted, but now I can see there are no two alike.
      I would also like to ask could that treble circuit be eliminated ? It would only constitute cutting one wire at pin #5 on the 6AU6. It seems like it is out of the circuit and only makes obnoxious noise.
      I hope this helps. Thank you for your continued intrest.

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 29, 2013, 10:51:27 PM
      Yes Roly I did indeed mean the cathode resistor. I used the jack on the mike input but I bypassed the thing that looks like a tube socket. I wired a 68K resistor, a .01 cap  both in line directly into #2 on the 12AX7. Coming out the #1, the (Fender Tweed Deluxe) tone stack into #1 on the 6AU6. I used the existing potentiometers. I also left the 330K resistor on the tone control wiper I think it may have remove that to let the signal pass into the 6AU6 with less resistance.
       I got all of that done, it still sounds a bit tubby. Tomorrow I am going to try different values of cathode bypass capacitors, currently there is a 25uf - 25v. I am going to try 10, 5, and 1uf. I think I will start at 1 and work up, as I already know 25 is to much.
       It is going well. I think most of you guys could have done this in an afternoon, however I have gone
this far without any clouds of smoke
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 28, 2013, 10:58:42 PM
     Roly, I don't think I have to go through all of that. I worked on it in the last few days. It is coming along well. I have a Fender Tweed Deluxe tone stack in it. I don,t know if that is the best one but I found a schematic for it, it may need changed or modified at some point. Would the volume need a 470K resistor in front of it to load the guitar pickup ? Some guitar amps have a .68-100K  in that position.
     I changed the grid resistor from 18K to 1.4K that was the lowest value I had. I also added another resistor in parallel to the 560K plate resistor 510K, it should be roughly half now.
     I fired it up today and it sounds much better. Some of the gain is gone, however it is still leans a bit  towards the bass side. I believe I can work on the caps to iron that out. I also think a better speaker will be in order when I get it operational.
     So I am still just swimming around in the dark, but its getting better. Thank you once again.

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 27, 2013, 03:11:21 PM
      Roly, I have replaced all of the caps just because of the age of the unit. I turned it on and it was so quiet I thought I had left something disconnected. I brought this one to our local amp repair person for him to check out. He told me he can only go through circuits and find problems, and that he is not an engineer. He does a wonderful job of troubleshooting and repairing problems, however he cannot discuss theory and tell you what will happen if you do or don't do this or that. Being that he is the only person knowledgeable in repairing tube type stuff in this area it is quiet frustrating at times. The only other option is going to the big city to have one of the people there tell you they don't know either.
      I am going to pull it apart again and look at it. I will likely make some of the changes you suggested. At least this one works I just have to tone it down a bit. Sorry about the schematic. I pulled it off the web
because while there is one  inside the amp I would have to take a picture of it, download it from the camera
upload it to the computer and then post it in this forum. That could take most of the day and may not be as good as the one you are looking at now. I was actually surprised the schematic popped right up on the web.
      Anyway thank you for all of your help so far. I am sure I will have more questions soon.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 26, 2013, 05:11:23 AM
Hello Roly,
    I am not talking about converting the SS to tubes. I am wondering if the Newcomb would be a better choice for modification. I have ran a guitar through it and it is loud. It seems to have to much gain. I can understand
why as it was probably more for talking as opposed to amplification of music. I am going to make a cabinet as
I have one 12" 16ohm speaker. I will just see how it works. I am not disregarding your advice, I know it will be
a problem. I appreciate all of your input and all of the advice you have given me in the last few weeks. Thank
you very much. 
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 26, 2013, 03:22:15 AM
      Is this something to work with ? Someone on another forum said it was capable of being converted to a 5e3. At least it is tubes and some of the same components. Since it is tubes should I post about it on another forum. 
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 25, 2013, 08:56:37 PM
      OK, Enzo I understand. As good as it sounds now will just have to be good enough considering what it is.
Thank you.
      Thanks teemuk, that should keep me occupied for a while. I am coming to an understanding about op-amps using the (all about circuits) information. It's not that difficult to understand the concept it just
takes a while to sink in as there are so many things going on all at once.
       I will look into the other information soon. I bookmarked it. I still have some more information to digest
from the op-amp site
       Thanks again.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 25, 2013, 01:31:33 PM
Quote from: J M Fahey on December 24, 2013, 04:34:04 PM
Put one close to the amp, the other 30/90 ft away.
There's your delay.

      Sounds good, by the way could I mail one to you with a remote transmitter attached to get a really good delay ?
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Speaker question ?
December 25, 2013, 01:23:13 PM
      The delay was just going to be another way to try to get the amp to sound a little more tube. It is not necessary.
      My main objective was to get the amp to sound as close to a Fender Champ as possible, without all of the constant tube changes, biasing, and all of the other upkeep required maintaining a tube amp. On some of the other sites it seems like people get obsessed with just that. I just want reasonable sound you can just turn on and turn off, without rebuilding the amp on each occasion.
      I do not use pedals and such. I have a Squier Telecaster, and an Epiphone Les Paul JR. I like to just run them straight into the amp. Those guitars are very basic and crude, and so was the Fender Champ.
      I have 18 other guitars, and a Crate GX-40C+ with chorus and reverb. I just really like the raw gritty sound of low tech instruments and electronics from the 50's and 60's.
      The diode mod and the 12" speaker really got it in the ballpark, I am well pleased with both those changes.

The Newcomer's Forum / Speaker question ?
December 24, 2013, 04:17:10 PM
       Like I  said before I know I ask a lot of dumb questions, however I had an idea and was wondering if it is possible.
       I would like to wire two 8ohm speakers to an amp. Is there any way to put a split second delay on one
of the speakers, so that it is transmitting the same signal only a split second later? I don't know if it is at all
possible, or how much trouble it would be even if it could be done.
      I am sure you are right, I just went there from searching on the web. The information I posted was on top
when I went there from my bookmark. Thank you for clarifying that so everyone else can find with no problems.
It is a lot of good information. There is also a homepage and menu to find lots of other things.
      I don't know how to link to things but the top of the page says as follows (  Hope that helps. It should help people to start from zero and come to grips with op-amps. It seems to me they act as a voltage regulators by balancing input to output. I am also almost understanding how to manipulate an op-amp circuit with resistors and capacitors. Anyway it is more informative than reading about someone doing
something and just glossing over the op-amp part presuming it is common knowledge.

I just used the link and it works.
Hello All,
       I found a tutorial on a Mouser Electronics page called, All About Circuits, Negative Feedback, op-amps.
It looks really cool because it starts with just a triangle and builds on it from there. I have downloaded the
first two parts which is eight pages. That should at least get me out of the fog, Wish me luck. Thanks guys.