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Messages - joecool85

Amplifier Discussion / Re: RobertT.....
November 28, 2006, 09:00:58 AM
I googled his email address and a ton of other forums have had problems with this guy.

Here is his info:

Amplifier Discussion / Re: RobertT.....
November 28, 2006, 08:48:21 AM
email or PM here on
Amplifier Discussion / Re: RobertT.....
November 28, 2006, 08:37:11 AM
I'm on it.  I'll talk to Chris about a way to get that to not happen again.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: pcb's
November 18, 2006, 07:44:40 AM
Good explaination of PCBs teemuk. 

Veroboard (aka strip board) is basically a piece of perfboard with copper lines running down the bottom side of it.  You can connect these lines with components to make a circuit.

These pictures should help, click them to enlarge.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Help on Lead 12 combo repair
November 17, 2006, 07:04:07 AM
Ah, thanks for clearning that up, regardless its great that the thing is working.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: almost....
November 17, 2006, 07:02:49 AM
By lamp what do you mean?  Are you doing the LM3886 and it is the blue LED on the snubberized PSU board?  Or something else?
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Help on Lead 12 combo repair
November 16, 2006, 08:30:50 PM
Awesome :-)  And the low gain jack should be louder with the same input.  The reason why is because the high gain jack has an extra resistor to cut signal so it is essentially low gain... I think.
No problem, thats why we're here.
Alright, he said he doesn't know when he is planning on ordering more boards, but he can provide us the layouts if someone here wants to make them/order them. 
Well, I emailed him with no response, I'll try again though.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: LM1875 chipamps, any feedback?
November 08, 2006, 09:46:34 AM
Thanks for the feedback!  It's ok that you are busy, I was wondering where you had been at though, thanks for checking in.  I'll be looking forward to when you get it together.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: What is this ic?
November 06, 2006, 09:05:39 AM
I knew teemuk would have a good answer, thanks :-)
I emailed Brian today since I haven't been able to catch him on AIM.  I'll keep you guys posted.  I highly doubt he'll do freebie kits like last time, but we may be able to get a cut cost on them.
This is such a good idea because it is so much more simple than using a pot.