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Topics - jabsHalen

New to this forum . Pre History - have played guitar for almost 30 years and getting back into it more seriously. Im buying new/used gear. I have owned ( and sold ) many nice amps over the years Soldano , Peavey 5150 , Marshall etc .  Im Mostly a blues, hard rock, classic metal guy.

So my question - I purchased a used Randall rh ( not rg ) 100 g2 head last week . I gave it a workout in the pawn shop, they gave me a grace period of a day to try it . It put it through its paces and it did fine . I used a guitar with high output passives and surprisingly you could crank the high gain and treble all the way dimed and get 0 feedback . The reason i dimed the treble is because my guitar is dark sounding , and the amp seems a tad bit on the warmer side to me. For a solid state this is usually a good thing but its a bit warmer than id like . So i figured id slap an old brighter lower output pup in my guitar . Turns out the pup was microphonic . I messed with it for a while but the guitar screamed . If i switched to the neck pup it went away so i know it was the bridge pup. So i wax potted the pup, plugged it in and no more pup squeal , But now when i dime the gain and treble the amp squealed . Even if i unplugged the guitar .

I tried other guitars , cords , speaker cables , etc to no avail . Its still playable at lower volumes but when i first got it i could crank it with no problem .

So im wondering if the high frequency squeal at high volumes damaged or changed something in the amp ? I know ultra high frequency at high volumes can actually heat things up .  I took the chassis out and everthing looks clean and no burn spots.

Also the cab is not great - its a marshall mg 4x12 but its in good shape .

So i am going to call a guy that repairs SS amps in the morning .

My other questions are , if the problem can be/is fixed , can the amp be modified more to my liking ? I know the reverb is terrible ( i think the amp took a tumble once from the outside damage ) can they replace a spring with a digital reverb circuit ?  Also if the amp is voiced as warm as it is , can it be modified to have more control over the high end ?

I dont mind spending some dough on fixing it because i got it for very cheap .

So any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated .