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Topics - reldvs

ok first off, hello everyone

i have a Randall RG100 classic amp head that seems to have a mind of its own

it will cut out on sound and if you crank it up max u can barely hear it on either channel.

what i have done so far. resolder every pot on board and also used pot cleaner on all pots. after i put it back together it played amazing for all of 5 mins. when i hit the channel change button from dirt back to clean the most annoying high pitch squeal started (i also resolder the channel change button as well while doing the pots) and again if i maxed the vol i could hear a signal faintly along with the steady squeal. this is not the first time it has done this either.

out of pure frustration i banged hard on my strings and bingo it popped back into sound and so far has been sounding just fine. since i have already resoldered and cleaned the pots, what could be the issues.

i fear it is a failing component but i guess i need the gurus here to tell me for myself. and if possible what component may be going bye bye. since it seems to come and go and tonight that whole banging on the strings fixed it, i feel clueless.

i dont think it is something real simple. the squeal was present even with no cord plugged into the head. changing the vol or gain does not change squeal at all, it stays constant when it does this and no knobs will change the squeal sound at all (just banging hard on the strings lol)

please help me, i am in a band and there is nothing more embarrassing than watching ur bands mates make fun of you for ur bad equipment and i personally think the RG100 is a good head even for the classic. but when it does this it makes me want to chuck it against a wall (not that i would)

thanks in advance