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Topics - Jalon7

 From what I've seen on this site it sounds like a great bunch of guys here. As a newcomer to this forum, and to guitars, good to see some down to earth musicians.

After 30 years of drumming (playing with, I determined to fulfill this item on my bucket list. I've always wanted to learn guitar and/or bass. My daughter is going to learn with me and she is very excited about it! Although I think she is more excited about my promise to paint her guitar swirl pink with her name reversed into it.

Anyway...I found a used Traynor Reverb Mate 30, I think that is a TRM 30, got it home and after a few Rock&Roll strums the sound stopped. The light was still on, no pop or bad noise, just silence.

I noticed the input jack had dropped inside behind the faceplate. Apparently it originally came with plastic 1/4" input jacks (all other 1/4" jacks are plastic on this unit) but this one is metal and utilized the original plastic mounting nut which crumbled to pieces.

Could the frame of the input jack shorting out on the aluminum faceplate cause damage to the amplifier, or might this just be a coincidence to some other problem with this amp? I have tried hooking up the guitar making sure the input jack is isolated from the frame. I have power LED indicator but absolute silence otherwise.

BTW...I took a course on DC circuits about 20 years ago but have been doing carpentry since then. I can't remember alot looking at the schematics but hopefully with a little help ya'll can jog my memory. If there's any memory left!