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Topics - Destroid

I'm considering a new amp at the moment; I was going to go for a tube based solution like the new Jet City amps, which look great, but I really want to keep my options open in terms of Solid State since I want an amp that'll sound the same recorded as it does live.

My amps currently are a ZT Lunchbox, which is a great SS amp, and a Vox AC4TV, which is nice but a bit simple and doesn't do higher gain, I have it to do a specific sound really.

The Lunchbox is great but of course it has a small speaker and I'm not sure I have room for a large cabinet. It also doesn't have much gain on board, single coils barely break up with it, though I get a nice crunch with my Humbuckers.

I'd be looking for something maybe a bit Marshall-ish, I like the tone the JCM2000 can put out for metal, and ideally I really like the SLO kind of tone. I'd rather not have something Mesa-ish as I have a pedal for those kind of tones. I'd go for a lower gain amp that can go metal with a boost, depending on what it sounds like. I'd like to to sound kind of unique rather than trying too hard to be any of the amps I've mentioned.

I'd also like it to look kind of neat. I was looking into a Peavey Bandit but I'm not sure I like the looks of it. Also, I think it may be a bit lower end, if I can spend an extra €100-200 or so to get better quality I might feel better doing that.

I find the problem with "Good" SS amps is that they're often as expensive or more expensive, for example the TM series can get quite pricey, getting a tube amp of equivalent "loudness" as the TM75 would probably be a bit cheaper if I looked around.

An important part is that I want it to be relatively lightweight. I'm looking for a 1x12" combo, but some seem to weigh a lot more than others. Reverb and effects loop are also pretty important.

I'm also open to Hybrid suggestions(or full tube but this is an SS forum). I would go for a modeler, but it needs to be able to take pedals.

I know this is primarily a DIY forum but I need to ask somewhere that has a good knowledge of SS tech.
Lately I've been pretty impressed by SS amps. I already have an AD30VT for more tubey tones, and it's pretty nice.

I'm a fan of Daniel Ash and I like the kind of tone he got, the sort of razor edge kind of tone. I also really like the tones I get out of my AC30 AMplug. If I could get that in an amp with Reverb and an F/X loop, and a little more gain, it'd probably be my favourite amp.

Could you recommend an amp for me? The only small amp I know of with an F/X loop is the TM series but I kind of want something with its own tone.

Most of the really good SS amps are pretty big, whereas with modelers and tubes you can get quite a few smaller options these days :(