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Messages - Frankwashere

From First To Last:

  • Front
  • Right Side
  • Back
  • Left Side
  • 90 degree angle inside the front.
  • Top

   There's a hole in the top. I assume that it's for holding a speaker on a pole in place. I probably wont be using that part haha....
   I kind of decided after realizing a CR120H will eat up my entire paycheck to set this project up into two sections.

Part one:

  • Buy two of the Carvin speakers I've previously listed.
  • Buy a cheapish amp head from Guitar Center with one 8 or 16 ohm speaker output (suggestions?)
  • Install the two Carvin speakers in series into the first cabinet.

Part two (one month later):

  • Buy 2 more of those Carvin Speakers.
  • Return the cheaper amp head to Guitar Center/Buy the Orange CR120H
  • Install the new Carvins in series into second cabinet.
  • Bam, now I got a sweet setup! haha :D

    I mean I wish I could just drop 800 bucks and get it all done with first time around but I ain't no CEO. Spending that much money in one paychecks gunna put me on welfare, haha..
   Anyway, what do you all think? Is this a reasonable concept or am I digging myself a hole?
   Thanks for the tip Doc, I had a feeling the wiring wouldn't be too confusing. What's the main difference between wiring parallel or in a series? How will the wiring effect my sound, if it even will?

   They're really nice cabinets. I mean I wouldn't pick something up from the dump unless I knew it was in good shape, not infested and stuff. In other words, I don't typically bring things home from the dump, but I couldn't help myself with these. They're made out of nicely polished 3/4 pieces of maple ply. Obviously someone salvaged the speakers and trashed the cabs...
    I also should have noted that they aren't guitar cabs (which I don't think matters). These are totally for a surround sound system or something. Once I saw the price on those Carvin speakers I kind of realized I could turn this dream into a reality! Haha. :tu: I just wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing myself over and that I might actually end up with an at least average sounding, unique piece of equipment.
I'm about 90% sure. They look a little weird when I put them sideways. Because of the way the plywood sides are cut, the fronts have a slight curve to them. I guess I will upload some pictures when I get the chance tonight.. It's totally possible though. I could put them next to each other or stack them.  they're something like 14"X28" each. They currently make great end tables but I think they have slightly more potential than that... haha  xP
Hey all!

    This is my first time building an amp and my first time on this forum so if a come across as a totally noob, I apologize in advance. My knowledge on electronics is amateur at best, but on the plus side I am very familiar with a soldering iron! :tu:

    Okay so here's a little back story. I picked up these two awesome solid wood 2 X 10 speaker cabinets from the dump. They were completely gutted, but once I got all that gross dump stank off them they were looking real nice and shiny. I can upload some picture of them later if someone would like to check them out. Each cabinet has two 10" speaker holes. The one on top is at a 45 degree angle pointing down and the bottom one is at a 45 degree angle pointing up.

    I'm sure installing the speakers would be no issue. I'm also positive I can find info on this site about how to do so. That's not really what I need help with, although any tips or tricks are very welcomed. What I want to know is if the Speakers and SS amp head I plan to use are compatible. Or if there is a better alternative. Should I just buy a SS combo amp? Should I just buy a Marshall Half Stack W/ Amp head?

    These Are the materials I intend to purchase with my next paycheck:

  • 2 Carvin PS10 Pro Series 10" Guitar Loudspeaker 200 watts 8 ohms, $50 + Shipping
  • Orange Crush CR120H - 120-Watt Head Orange, $500 + Shipping

I want to buy the first 2 speakers and install them into the first cabinet. Then wait for my next paycheck to get the other 2 and install them into the second cabinet. If I do this, can I use the first cabinet with the orange amp head while I wait for the other two speakers? or will the speakers blow? I assume they wouldn't because they are 200 Watts, while the amp is 120. But like I said, I kinda don't really even know. I know the number of ohms a speaker have is very important, But I don't  quite know why.....

Do you think this will be a good combo? Do you think I'd get a better bang for my buck with different materials? What other items may I need for installation?

Thanks again for any feedback! :dbtu: