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Messages - peters0306

J M- Funny Guy! Made  me laugh my orange juice out my nose!
Enzo- It was at least a couple of the resistors and maybe a cap. I tapped and pushed with a drumstick and have at least located
suspects to work on. Actually, by pushing on them just a touch the thing plays loud and clean...just ask my neighbors!
Thanks for the advise! It was exactly what I was looking for!
will do! that is exactly what I was hoping to hear.
I guess we're having Chinese food tonight!
Thanks and I will post how it goes.

I just jumpered the signal output to an external cabinet and had no problems at all playing very very loud.
I thinka loose solder joint might be the problem. Everything seems to work perfectly as long as the amp itself isn't subject to any direct vibrations. Time to crack the back and take a look.
Hi. I just joined up as I have recently been interested in learning a bit more about Amps.
I just bought a used Crate FEX Retrofex 65 that has a loud crackle in it. This only happens at volumes that start to
create some real vibration. All three channels work perfectly at low volume but at about 4 or 5 it creates a horrible crackle.
especially on certain frequencies. I just discovered that I can reproduce the crackle by banging on the top of it with my fist.
I made a short video of it and posted it on You Tube.
I think that there are some loose solder joints in the output circuit that are causing this.
I would appreciate any input from any of you more experienced and knowledgeable members who have experienced this or
might have a clue.
Many Thanks