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Messages - awbass

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Gibson G30 amp
December 01, 2013, 07:56:25 AM
Just updating-after a good long while!  This has been on the back burner for many reasons (children being the main one).  Last night, I pulled this amp out again, and have some more forensics to report.  It appears that when they replaced the original speaker with the radioshack thing, they went with a bigger speaker, which obviously wouldn't slide into the hole from the front.  So, they put it in through the back, and bolted it in through the front, mesh and all.  Oh, and they took a hacksaw to the original speaker mounting bolts.

So, it looks like it took an 8 in speaker?  Do you measure the speaker diameter from the size of the hole, or from the distance between opposite bolts?  I want to order the right thing since I apparently only work on this thing every two years.

Also, since I'm going to have to take the mesh off to get the original mounting bolt  fragments out, should I just replace the mesh completely when I'm done?  I'm assuming there are other threads about that.

As always, thanks for the wisdom.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Gibson G30 amp
August 05, 2011, 12:34:13 PM
Awesome.  Thanks for the wisdom!  I'll post again once i've made some improvements to let you all know how it worked out.
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Gibson G30 amp
August 01, 2011, 04:18:43 PM
Thanks!  I know it was free, but will this amp be worth having the speaker and other electronic issues addressed?  Apparently, there is only one person in this region of the country (DC area) who will even look at a solid state amp.

Also, how do I figure out the right type of speaker.  The back says "120 VAC 50/60 HZ 30 Watts" do i get a footswitch for it...?\

don't mean to be a complete noobie, but I've just had my head in acoustic instrument land for years.

thanks again!
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Gibson G30 amp
July 31, 2011, 10:18:33 PM
Hey all. I just got a G 20 today (a friend gave it to me for helping him move), and it's got some issues.  It has what I'm pretty sure is a blown Radio Shack speaker in it, and the trem effect doesn't seem to work.

What speaker should I get to replace the blown one, (and how much do they cost) and is the trem not working because the pot is bad?  (It sort of worked for a bit, but now it doesn't seem to do anything).

Also, whoever put in the Radio shack speaker, screwed it in through the front mesh/grill  :'(

Any info would be greatly appreciated-the webernet has very little info on this amp.
