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Messages - EntwineRyche

I just bought a ESP MW-600. Love it, now all I need is a solid amp to you use with it. I played a little when I was younger, but lacked the focus. Now that I'm older, I'm looking for something I can seriously put time into.

I guess my question, would be what kind of amp should I go for? I'm looking for something that will last and sounds good obviously. I have an old Ultra Chorus from my childhood, that I could try to get working insead. Not sure whats wrong with it at this point. I guess more specifically, I am looking for something that can pull off the sound closed to what is used in the song Anybody Listening? by Queensryche. Check the chorus as well. I want something I can basically get that nice raise your hair sound and then possibly to be able to switch to a nice clean sound as well.

Thanks for your help guys, and again sorry if I sound like a newbie, but I'm trying here.