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Topics - Timko

Hello!  I've been a pedal builder for the past 10 years, building both from PCBs in the DIY community as well as designing some of my own.  Last winter, I began to dabble in amps.  I first took on this Gibson G-105 from the 70s. I first worked at re-capping the thing.  In a poor decision by me, I used some cheap caps to replace the two 3000uF caps located in the rectifier section of the amp.  It sounded great for a while.  It was super clean unless you pushed it, and was phenomenal hooked up to an electric piano or guitar.

One night, the amp began to totally fuzz out, producing this gated, starved sound.  Sort of like when you start screwing with the voltage going into old Germanium fuzz pedals. Luckily, the amp has a signal line out right before the long tail pair phase inverter, and I validated that it sounded fine.  I did some sanity checking around the speakers to ensure that wasn't the issue. I changed the crappy caps in the rectifier to some nice Mallory screw in terminal caps.  I even changed out the 4 power transistors. 

I've gotten a little over my head in terms of what step to take next.  I'm pretty capable of testing, but I'm unsure of where to look next.  I'm hoping the people in this forum could help point me in a good direction to begin to look.  Thanks!

Schematic for reference: