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Topics - Covers4Christ

The Newcomer's Forum / Solid State Amp Problem!
May 07, 2012, 03:26:16 PM
Ok, so I was at Church, I play on Saturday Nights AND Sunday Mornings.

Long story short my am broke, I'd like to know what direction to go about fixing it, It's a WAY old marshall 50 watt, like, 20 years old. I don't know much besides that, the model says G50CD.

So here's what happened.

I got to church, and from 4:20ish to 7:30ish, my solid state amp was on, played through service, no problem.

THE NEXT MORNING. I go to church, turn everything on, play 3 songs to warm up with the worship band, Cut my signal with my tuner ( know.......tune) and when I brought up my volume pedal it was like no sound would come out. The amp like would cut back in with a lot of speaker distortion, but then be fine for like 10 seconds, then die the same way again. I went direct in guitar to amp with two different cables, and two different guitars. So It's the amp Im assuming........

What's wrong, Can it be fixed, and how much would it end up costing to be fixed?

Thanks so much to any help that can be offered.