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Topics - Big McLargehuge

Howdy, all

I just picked up a used Randall RG80 'Classic' off of Craigslist and I have a few questions.

First of all: What the heck is this thing?! I mean, I know what it is, but the internet is nearly devoid of info regarding this particular model. I've emailed Randall asking for a manual or schematics or any info at all, but no reply. There's a "Speaker Load" button on the back, and I'd really like to know what I should be setting it to.

Secondly, it's got a few issues that maybe you can advise me on:
The clean channel (which is very pretty, btw) gets a *tiiiiiny* bit of bleed from the gain channel. Most of the pots are dirty and crackly (an easy enough fix to be sure) and I wondered if this could have anything to do with it. Say for instance that you are on the clean channel; turning the volume pot for the drive channel causes audible pops and crackles on the clean channel. that shouldn't happen right?

The drive channel for its part doesn't seem like it's up to snuff in and of itself. I thought Randalls were known for their high-gain chugga chugga distortion. This thing barely breaks up with the gain knob dimed. Seems weird.

Also, both channels sound "fizzy" when you put a dirt pedal in front of them.

In any case, I only paid $80 for it, so I don't mind throwing a little more cash at it to get it in ship-shape. Oh, and are there any mods that can be done to an amp like this (for more gain, for instance)
