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Messages - tette2

Amplifier Discussion / Marshall 3210 repair
December 19, 2023, 04:30:53 PM
Hallo !   This is my first post since some years .  I´m trying to repair a mosfet amp  from Marshall.  It might be that the factory have mounted a transistor Tr2 ,  BC 184 a half turn wrong ! ?   In the amp there is anorther BC 184 but this one seems to be mounted correct . The same with all the other NPN transistors in this unit.  There is some pictures in the Marshall forum that shows TR2 and how it is mounted .  Wrong as I can understand.
A question I have is if You think I should replace all the 15 small electrolythics ?  The two large 2200 uF/50 V  is already replaced by some tech.  I also have some scratchy pots. The treble pot didn´t improved in spite of de oxit spray.   Thanks for some advice .
With a signal into the returnjack the poweramp sounds clean and nice so there is some in the preamp.... some strange , distorted sound .  Can that problem disappear with new , small ecaps ?
Amplifier Discussion / Roland CUBE 100
March 14, 2017, 11:21:36 AM
Hallo !   This is my first post here .   I have changed all  electr. caps in this guitarcombo .  The amp works fine with a very nice sound if I start it

without a speaker connected .  And then connect the speaker .   But if I have the speaker connected , like it should be normally ,  the amp

tilts and the protection lamp I have in series from the walloutlet  ( 230 VAC )  glows ....  current flows ..... probably through one of the powertransistors while the other is choked..... ?    Thanks for some advice ...   tette