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Topics - gbloomer

Okay, This is my first post on this site, heres what im dealing with

so recently bought an old Sears 250xl cab off of eBay. I haven't been able to find out a lot about this other than it was originally sold with the Silvertone 1426 250w Solid State head. I am wanting to pair it up with my Silvertone 1485 tube head, but before i hook them up together i want to make sure the Impedance matches up so i don't blow either the head or the speakers. I checked over the cab and and there is no labeling showing what ohms the cab is. Since i couldn't find any schematics or info on it i decided to check out how the speakers were wired up to figure out the impedance myself. But when  took the speakers out to look at the wiring i saw something ive never seen before there is transformer wired into the speaker circuit as. Ive looked over the transformer and there is no labeling or serial numbers on it. nothing. If anyone could help me figure out the impedance to this cab it would be very much appreciated!