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About is a forum-based website devoted to building, fixing, modifying, and learning about solid state guitar amplifiers and associated gear. It was started in 2006 by Joseph Raymond (joecool85) and has flourished ever since. We have members from all over the world and possibly beyond.

SSGuitar Crew

Joseph Raymond
Founder and Forum Administrator

Greg N
Phil Abbott
J M Fahey
Juan Manuel Fahey

SSGuitar Post Count Member Groups

Group Name Icon Required Post Count Inbox Limit
New Member 0 Posts *5 Messages
Chipper 1 Post 10 Messages
SSGuitar Apprentice 5 Posts 20 Messages
SSGuitar Regular 10 Posts 30 Messages
Master SSGuitarist 50 Posts 40 Messages
Elite SSGuitarist 100 Posts 50 Messages
Legendary 250 Posts 100 Messages
* New Members can only receive, not send, PMs

Explaining Chip Points (Karma)

You need to be a Regular User (10 posts) or higher to modify other member's Chip Points. You can add or subtract from someone's Chip Points by +1 or -1 by clicking the "informative" or "useless" links to the left of the user's message.

Our friends!

Website Description
Beavis Audio Interesting amplifier schematics and odd enclosures. Beavis Audio takes old things and makes them new!
DIY Fever Site dedicated to building your own guitars, amplifiers and effect pedals.
DIY Stompboxes Aron's forum all about stomp boxes. Building, modifying and reviewing are all a big part of what makes this site tick.
Fatboy Effects RDV's collection of DIY guitar equipment. Plenty of sound samples and pics!
Fuzz Central Great source for effects from Phillip of fuzzcentral.
General Guitar Gadgets Amazing resource for effects and small amp schematics. GGG also has many tech pages helping beginners and experts as well!
SingleCoil An excellent source for guitar, amplifier and FX mods.
Smallbear Electronics A great USA based parts source for many DIY effects projects.

If you want to trade links, send Joecool85 a PM.

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