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Messages - noynek

Here are photos of the front and back. I tapped all over the place and couldn't cause any change. The only things that seem interesting are:

  • If I strum my guitar very loudly, I get a pop from the amp
  • As I turn the amp off, it sounds fully loud for a brief moment

I'm also now in a state where I burn through fuses. Every other time I turn the amp on, it blows a fuse. Maybe my fiddling made something loose. I'm also wondering if the wrong fuses could be the problem. I picked up some 250v .315 Fast Acting fuses, but I'm wondering if they shouldn't be fast acting.
Thanks for the ideas. I'm in the process of tapping the board to see if I can trigger any change. I noticed one interesting thing: when I turn the power off, I get full sound for half a second as it powers down. I'm not quite sure what that means, but I figured it might suggest something pretty obvious to someone more experienced.
Thank you, again.

I couldn't find a replacement jack, but luckily the headphone jack is exactly the same. I de-soldered both jacks and switched them. I am able to get some sound through, but it's spotty.

For example, I have to turn the amp up quite a bit to get much sound out of it. Then, I get pops and occasionally full volume will break through, but just for a second.

Possibly related: when I turn the gain knobs, I hear popping as well.

I'm tempted to scrap the amp since it's not worth much, but I'm also enjoying learning. Please let me know if you think it's worth further investigation.

Thank you, J M Fahey.
I can cause buzz in the following configurations with the volume always at 10:

  • turn up Gain 2
  • Turn up Reverb
With Gain 2 on, all of the other knobs affect the sound, so it appears they are all working.

I hear the reverb echo when I bump the amp.

My Park G10R practice amp stopped working. Specifically, the amp turns on, and if I turn up the volume, I can hear a buzz. However, when I plug my guitar into the amp, no sound comes through.

I know almost nothing about amps, but I figure the amp is worth less than the cost of a repair shop looking at it.

Here are shots of the internals. Is there anything you can see that might help me debug?
