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So you need a preamp - here are your options

Started by joecool85, April 25, 2006, 08:47:57 PM

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I've only got a little 15w Behringer. . . would the modeling thing be an issue for creating a line-out? I hope not, as I enjoy a couple of the sounds I can get out of this thing. . . It's a shame the little speaker doesn't do it justice.


Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


So all i have to do is add a speaker-out to the amp, then add this jack onto it? Seems way too simple! 8)


Yup, I did that to my Dean Markley K-20X and love it.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


I'm not wrong in thinking that just about any type of booster and overdrive circuit or what have you can be used as a preamp, am I? I saw mention of a Thunderchief being used - does this mean I could use similar ROG circuits (such as the Eighteen or Mockman) as a preamp?


In theory, yes you could.  None of us have done it yet (this board is quite new), and so if you want to try it, let us know.  The only thing is, it may not drive the poweramp to full potential, but you can adjust the gain from 22 on the poweramp boards. <- That is in reference to the LM3886 boards a lot of us got from chipamp.com
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


Since school is out I now have some time to finally finish my LM3886 amp.

I have an enclosure from an old amp the no longer worked and it is absolutely perfect for this, not to big but everything fits comfortably and all the original buttons are still good so i can use all the orignal controls on the front panel.

As for using the flipster as a preamp im not so sure anymore, my main concern being that from what I can gather it always has overdrive which varies depending on the input volume. If this is the case then this isnt really what im after. I want somthing to emulate a clean ampeg sound, is there anything beside the flipster like this (solid state).

I have also decideed to put in an inbuilt distortion channel as there is space in the enclsure to do and the faceplate has the spare controls for this also, what im looking for is a mesa boogie recto simulator (or somthing similar, not sure ive named the amp right either but I think the message gets through).

Another is thing ive thought about for the preamp is to use a tube preamp and make it a valve/soluid state amp. Has anyone else done this and if so has it been worth it? I had very mixed reponses about whether or not a solid state power amp does a valve preamp justice and keep the "warmer" tone the most valve amps have


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I don't personally know anyone that has done the tube front end, but I do know it has been done.  Lots of companies sell them like that.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


Hey guys, I'm new here and love the site.

I just ordered the stereo LM3886 PCB's  (one Power supply, 2 amps) from chipamp.com and plan on driving it with my newly acquired Boss GT-8 Multi effects modler.

The LM3886 PA's will drive 2 homebrew 1X12" cabs with Jensen speakers.

Has anyone else used a GT-8 (or other MFX modler) with these gain clone PA's?



So, could something like a "Noisy Cricket" be used as a pre-amp?  And the "OUT" from the Cricket go to the INPUT of the power amp?  Basically take the output of the Cricket and put it into the input of a 3886 or TDA2040 amp?

And which amp would provide the master volume? 


If I'm correct, the noisy cricket uses a LM386 right?  If so, then yes, it should be possible.  You would want a pot between the LM386 and LM3886 to control volume and  a pot before the LM386 to control the gain.

I'm actually working on developing a LM386 based preamp circuit.  You'll want to check the board periodically over the summer because I should be starting a prototype within the month or so.  I'm hoping to have a "final" version before September.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


The Cricket has a pot for gain control.  But the volume  isn't between the 386 and the output.  So I'd need to add one between the two?  Or could you just add a 'MASTER' volume for the output of the power amp?  Or is it better for the power amp just to run it at a steady setting and use the pre-amp to regulate the volume?   


The master volume for the power amp is normally a pot BEFORE the power amp, hence why I recommened it.  If you've never built a larger amp, it is understandable why you wouldn't know that.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


Correct.  Never built the larger amps.  Trying to teach this old dog a new trick.........


No problem.  It was only a couple years ago I was a complete novice myself.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.  It's always good to get new people building amps and stuff.  It's a great hobby.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X