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Messages - strat68ntx

I do have the speaker and the wiring harness from the organ... somewhere. Maybe in the shed? I'll have to go and hunt for it next weekend when I'm home.
That looks really cool. I like keeping the weight low. Great idea.

My quest continues. I had bought an old Fender M80 Chorus about 5 years ago, it was working great even though it had a broken pot shaft on the OD channel volume. So I played it for a while with pedals, and I ordered the pot and some new knobs (it was missing a bunch).

I took it apart and changed the pot out, and had it working. I then got a great deal on an even older Peavey Deuce VT. I left the M80 sitting apart for about 3.. maybe 4 years. I had noticed that the OD channel circuitry looked pretty pedal like.

I then found this thread. and gleefully decided to mod my M80, since it was already apart. So I changed out the parts, and put in some sockets for the clipping diodes. (LED1 and LED2)

Well, that was a bad plan. I don't know why it never occurred to me that the layout was different between the M80 and the M80 Chorus. I wound up totally limiting the clean channel output. I did get some really interesting sounds from different diodes though. At that point, the overheating problem started up.

Looking around I found a thread that Enzo had posted, I can't remember which forum though, about that problem. So I've ordered some grease and the mica parts to hopefully fix this thing.

I also saw the resistor swap in the bias string (look at me acting like I know what I'm talking about) but.. again, the layouts are different. So I found both schematics and I found the correct parts to mod on the OD channel. (C11, R26, R27) I'll find the bias string later tonight.

In the mean time, I had ordered a regular grey carpet M80, an 89 model. (Mine is a 1990)
It works great and I'd love to hear it with those mods but I'm terrified to take it apart, lest it stop working too!

I've got the 410 wired 4ohm and the M80 is  STUPID LOUD(!!) through it.

My next ideas have been

Fender FM 65 DSP or 212 DSP as a possible amp to put in, or I found a Behringer V-Tone GMX1200H at Guitar Center for not too much.
Several years back a friend of mine was given a Lowery Genie organ. I'm not sure of the exact model, but it had been lit on fire for some reason. He passed the charred carcass on to me. It still worked, sort of. It made sounds. Likely not the sounds it was supposed to make, but..

In any case, I tore it down, and I have this. Can anyone tell me if this would be a decent amp for guitar?
Each one is 4 ohms

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Hi y'all. I've been tinkering with pedals for a while now and I'm wanting to build an amp. I'm acquiring an old SG brand 410 cabinet. My dream amp is a bassman 410. The old Heart sound, without the flanger.
My plan is 2 ROG Azabache pedals as preamps, with an on board cab sim. What power amp would I need to gig with this? I'd like to use it for my back line with the direct out to the PA. Unfortunately I don't have the wattage of the existing speakers and I'm not sure I'll be keeping them anyway.

Any ideas? Kits... Layouts... Whatever y'all can tell me would be very appreciated. Thanks.

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