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saturated's all encompassing inclusive and exclusive bin thread

Started by saturated, September 10, 2023, 03:09:27 PM

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When the fuse voltage rating is less than the circuit requires, the possible arcing is more likely after the fuse has blown.
Your probes have a voltage safety rating as well, and that would be lost with any modification of the probes, no matter how high the fuse rating.


You can buy leads that have fuses in them, but they are not really cheap if it is for home use.
If you get the Fluke ones you still have to buy expensive fuses.
My set has a ceramic 3AG fuse in them and they are ok to use, they are a bit bulky though.
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There are only stupid mistakes.


Seems like my Topward 6303 has a problem. I had noticed the left side having trouble getting above 15v now it won't at all.  The right hand seems to be ok.

Must need a capacitor or something.  I'm not worried about it now besides if I need more voltage I think I can hook up both sides in series.

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Ok I hooked them up in series and they are doing good in harmony but that left side can't get past 15v and in fact starts sinking

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I'm not touching this thing anytime soon apparently the components are packed like sardines on the inside and I have plenty of voltage.

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Yesterday a coworker brought a line6 pod 500 to work he said take it home and try it out.
I get it home and can't even figure out how to connect it to an amp.  Watched one video about it and still got confused.  I will Google it some more today.

Guitar in is easy enough.  But then there were two outlets "unbalanced mono" each left and right.

Uughhh  >:(

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I get it that there's all kind of crazy stuff people can do that's why all the extra jacks etc

But I'm not looking to be the next Tom Scholz
I just want to hook it up like a pedal and get some overdrive and delay flange etc

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I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

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Ok I finally got a sound out of it
It actually sounds AWESOME 👍😎

one thing to note before you toss this through a window....the waah pedal is volume  :-X
If the pedal is all the way down it's not gonna work
:-X  :'(
Also I had to use 1/4 L Mono out to amp.

As far as all the other stuff my head is spinning it's gonna take some time

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I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

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There are no stupid questions.
There are only stupid mistakes.


Thank you sir !!

I'm still struggling mightily with it.

Anyhow here is my new milliamp reading super duper current probe.

This time if I make a boo boo it has a 500 mA fuse.

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Speaking of struggling I did a crappy job on this banana 🍌 plug.
Maybe it wasn't supposed to be soldered idk


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I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

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I finally figured out that rms and peak and peak to peak might actually be useful  :P

I was looking ahead in my work book and I have to have a voltage ⚡ generator and connect a 6v p-p.

So I was like huh? I don't have a voltage generator  :'( maybe they mean a Variac?

Meanwhile I was looking at my trusty Hickok function generator wondering if I could use that but didn't know if it could supply six volts ac peak to peak. 

I didn't want to fool with my scope so I attached my multimeter changed it to AC and increased the output (on sine wave) but then knew I had to do some math.

I divided 6 by 1.404? But that wasn't quite right so I did 2.808 and that was it.

But something that still 🤔 perplexes me is this:

Is a sine wave from a function generator alternating current?

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Yes, sine wave is AC.
Normally we call it a 'signal generator' but it is also an AC voltage generator.  Amplitude and frequency are adjustable.
Function generators may also have other kinds of waveforms like triangle or square, which are alternating but not 'pure' AC.  Pure AC is sine.


Thank you sir.

Btw had to put up a sign

Sign sign... everywhere a sign

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Not sure what happens if I try to measure resistance on a live circuit  ::)
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Meanwhile....onward through the fog.  I am still holding out hope that I can get a trace on this Heathkit oscilloscope.  I ordered the four ICs for it and now I thought I would investigate this power supply by removing caps and reinstalling if testing good.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have removed two and both tested (presumably) good

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So back in they go

Except...hmmm no way here to test leakage so I checked DC ohms with my meter and I have one that charged up pretty quick to about 70 kohm but then really slowed down

So idk maybe it's leaky

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But as I type it's still creeping up in fact it's at 130 kohm now so maybe it's ok.


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and make stupid mistakes

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Looks odd but oh well replaced three axial caps with radial (have you seen the price difference between axial and radial)  :-X  :-X

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Still I had not an extra angstrom of length to spare on two of them.  On the third I clipped the lead and used the j-hook method.

Still no green phosphor.... :P  :P
I ask stupid questions
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These two ceramics are still hot enough to cook steaks on....

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At least small steaks...well done... :P
I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

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