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Topics - dafremen

Hello everyone,

First, I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to this forum and especially to the Crate Amplifier discussions. With your help, I've been able to nurse this amp along. The schematic has been invaluable. Thanks again.

I've finally reached a stumper: I'll have the amp in Clean Channel and at random intervals while playing, it will switch to O/D and stay there. This is where it gets weird (especially since I thought I was pretty thorough in looking for cold solders): If I smack the amp (like Fred Sanford opening his secret cash drawer), it will go back into CLEAN and stay there. Smacking it while it's in Clean Channel, will cause it to momentarily switch to O/D (it blinks red is all.)

I took the switch apart, cleaned the contacts, applied VERY LIGHT dielectric grease, checked again for cold solders..saw nothing. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a cold solder in the foot switch circuit that just isn't obvious? I don't know, I've spent 3 days on it and I'm throwing my hands up.

Our drummer had a sense of humor about the amp being this flaky..until we started auditioning leads. Then it wasn't so funny anymore. Unfortunately, my budget means no new gear til tax it's fix it or go without.

Anybody familiar with this problem? Have any new approaches I might try?

Thanks again and rock on,
