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Topics - guitarman1

Amplifier Discussion / amps
July 28, 2013, 08:56:18 PM
hi sorry to be a pain i was told by a music shop i got to have a special amp or a pa for a acoustic guitar would that be right also can i make one
hi guys and gal i am new here i like to build a small practiec amp but i dont know where to start and are they easy to build and is it cheap to build i have a lot speakers at home and i would like get diagrams
Software / soft ware
July 24, 2013, 09:56:44 PM
hi buys and gals can help me what is the riff station like is it worth buying it
hi guys i am new here i use to play my guitar and have not for 28yrs as it sit in its case doing nothing so i am going to play it again but i hvae acoustic /eletric  and i would like to build a practice amp i have speakers what do i need