Quote from: g1 on January 14, 2025, 01:41:37 PMYes, maybe it would be better if it was called the 'break-time' switch.
I understand what Merlin says about cathode stripping being a myth, but I prefer to use the switches as prescribed by the manufacturer for turn-on and turn-off.
He gets very adamant about his anti-standby stance and it ends up putting me in the "methinks he doth protest too much" zone.
I have suspicions about tube warm up possibly being involved with tubes going microphonic, but have absolutely no hard data to back that up.
Well for me personally I'll only live for another 20 or so years so whether I use the standby or not the Valves will still out last me.
It's interesting to note that nearly All those old mantle radios and Gramophones did not have a standby.
I once inquired about an old Mantle Valve radio in an Antique shop which had been owned by the same Family for 3 generations.
The owner who would have been in his 60's told me that it belonged to his grandad. It had been running every working day since he could remember.
I think this falls under one those unsolvable mystery options like;
Some people leave the toilet seat down while some people get nasty if you leave it up.
My wife lost here wedding ring down the loo because she used to leave it up.
and I said,, "well that is why they come with a lid dear"
YMMV, cheers, Phil.