Friend of mine had some LM380's, and I've been playing around with them. They are just as simple, and as low parts count as the LM386, but more power. And they accept the guitar with no problem. The data sheet I have says it's capable of 4 Watts. So it works as a preamp, and would also work as a small practice amp.There's a very noticable difference in power of the 386 and 380. I've just built one, and it really sounds good thru an 8" speaker. (in the tiny practice amp category of course)
My friend was a lucky dog - caught a Radio Shack moving to new location, and they sold their inventory to keep from moving it. He don't want to sell any of it, but he did give me a few pieces.
My friend was a lucky dog - caught a Radio Shack moving to new location, and they sold their inventory to keep from moving it. He don't want to sell any of it, but he did give me a few pieces.