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Topics - purpletheory

Amplifier Discussion / almost....
November 16, 2006, 09:12:11 PM
Hey guys,

I almost have my amp done, though i've run into something wierd. I wired everything up, but when I flipped on the switch the lamp came on for a second and burnt out. I thought maybe the lamp was defective, so I replaced it, now it powers on fine, it's just that I noticed that when the power cable is connected and the switch is turned off, the lamp lights up ever so slightly. I tested it and found out that 11v are mysteriously powering it, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it's coming from. Don't know if the part about the lamp burning out is of any significance, just thought i would mention it just in case. Any ideas?
Preamps and Effects / tl071 preamp question
October 04, 2006, 02:02:20 PM
Hey guys,
I ended up building the tl071 preamp suggested in the forum(

Works great, although it is a bit dark for my tastes. I was wondering how could I brighten it up a bit, or is the idea of the circuit to color the sound by using fx in front of it? Also a side note; I didn't have any tl071's on hand when I built it so it currently has an lm741, and i read somewhere else that tl071 is generally brighter than other op amps, don't know how much it will affect the sound, I should have some by the end of the week to try out.

Amplifier Discussion / Chassis too small
September 30, 2006, 02:56:30 PM
Hi Guys,

I finally found some time to work on my amp again, now I'm just trying to get everything to fit inside the chassis. I was wondering if it would be a problem to mount the transformer on the outside of the chassis or will it be more prone to interferance, hum, whatever.

Amplifier Discussion / dumb transformer question
September 11, 2006, 11:32:06 PM
hey guys!

ok, so i'm trying to build a stereo lm3886 guitar amp, as for the transformer i bought this:
got it in the mail today, but i had a question about it  (i couldn't see anything about it in the formum, so i appologize if this question has already been addressed):
the transformer appears to have 4 mains and 4 secondaries, which is new to me. just thought i would ask you guys before i ruin something. i plan on building a ps like this:
so here go the embarrasing questions:

do i connect both sets of mains? why 2 sets of mains?

i'm assuming that the "0v" secondaries connect together, is that right?

thx in advance for any help and thx joecool for inviting me to the forum!
