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Topics - turbolx5oh

Amplifier Discussion / Stereo or Bridge A LM4780
September 21, 2006, 01:04:27 PM
Just got my two free sample LM4780s from National in yesterday.  I was thinking that my next project would be a Stereo 55W guitar amp.  Run it through a stereo 2X12 or 4x12 cabinet.  Would a bridged LM4780 configuration be a better idea?
Amplifier Discussion / My LM3875 Based Guitar Amp
August 28, 2006, 11:25:50 AM
Hope to have it working this weekend.  The plan is to make it a head and then buy or make a 2x12 cabinet with a couple of Celestians in it.  If I can find a cheap Marshall 4x12 that would be awesome!

Chassis is an old IBM Token Ring MAU.  Preamp is going to be the Sans Amp GT-2 from Tonepad.  Don't know how this will work as a preamp as it overdrives the op amps for distortion and I'm using a +-15v supply for the preamp.  Not sure I'll get any distortion out of it.  If I don't I'll use the Guitar Preamp from ESP Project 27.  I've got both built and ready to go.  I hope the Sans Amp works and gives me a lot of tone choices.  That's an Avel 160VA Torroidal.

I just placed an order for a couple of LM4780s.  My next project is going to be a stereo 60watter as close t0 the Marshall sound as I can get it.  I'd like for it to clean up a bit (Fenderish) on one end and dip into high gain on the other.  Don't care about a clean channel.  Got a preamp suggestion for that one?


I'm building an LM3875 based guitar amplifier but am wondering what I'm going to put it in when I get done.  Ideally, I'd like to put it in some kind of aluminum enclosure and then put that into something like a Mojo 1x12 cabinet.  That option is a bit pricey though.  Any suggestions?