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Topics - Conguito

Hello I've tried to do this guitar amp:
I've separated the preamp stage from the power amp stage and the problem that I have is that the preamp works correctly without any problem but when I connect de power supply to the power amp stage the fuse (1,6A) blows quickly, I've measured with the Ammeter and it gives me a measure of 6A!!!!! I have to say that the transistors are all in the correct position and with a good heatsink (designed for 20W)........who can be the problem?
Anyone has tried to assemble this amp? I'm start to think that the schematic is not correct......
Preamps and Effects / How to bias a JFET preamp?
November 28, 2006, 09:53:06 PM
Hello, at first place sorry if my english is not good but I hope that anyone can understand me well.......
I have seen many schematics of JFET preamps here in the forum and I am new at building preamps, that's cause I do this question. I donĀ“t know what to do to bias correctly a preamp. Anyone can help me?