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Messages - slobrain

Hey Joecool,
Yeah, the red LED's are good to try. Seems I remember the rockman using led clipping to get a good distortion. Actually the amp does have a pretty good distortion but its kinda dated in a sense. The funny thing is..there is a diode bounding circuit in the preamp like the tube screamer. I've also seen this used in modding Marshall tube amps to get a better distortion. I tried that same circuit In a JCM800 clone and the diode bounding circuit worked well getting the JCM800 to a higher and smoother distortion as well.

The diode bounding circuits I've seen use anything from germanium to 1n4148 to 1n4003's and zener diodes. Lots to play from... :tu:

I'm new to the forum but an old ampager for the tube amp stuff. I wanted to ask by chance if any one here has ever modded any peavey preamps namely the distortion channel?

I've tried different dual op-amps but this doesn't seem to change the distortion character
but I haven't tried different clipping diodes.
