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One hour removing two MOSFET

Started by saturated, December 20, 2024, 10:34:36 PM

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Man talk about a nightmare

Btw this is not something I'm working on trying to repair.  Just a junk PCB  :tu:
They had some cool heatsinks on them too.

I'm blaming it on lead free solder but I don't know if it is or not.  I tried some tricks I have read about like adding flux and leaded solder.

On both there was one leg 🦵 🍗 that would not melt  :grr

Ultimately they did give up.

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I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

criticism, critique, derision, flaming, verbal abuse welcome


I connected one to my peak atlas DCA55 I didn't think it would recognize it but wow it did
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The threshold voltage is 2.11v

I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

criticism, critique, derision, flaming, verbal abuse welcome

J M Fahey

You need a steak and fries Boomer soldering iron, not an organic almond milk Latte Gen Z one  :lmao:


Ahhh yes  :tu:

I used to work at a place long ago that had a killer junkyard nearby.  Almost every day at lunch I would go hang out with the guys there, the owner gringo named Kerry and his helper little hispanic guy named Alex both great guys  <3)

Anyhow one time I needed a bracket or something for SBC so they said yeah go back there to this van I think should be one there.
So I grab a couple of tools and go back and find it....I can't budge the 🔩 bolts on it. :grr

I walk back to the office Kerry and Alex sitting in the air conditioning I told them I couldn't get the part because the bolts were too tight.

At that point Alex rattles off something in Spanish they both chuckled  :lmao:

I look at Kerry and ask him ok...what did he say  :trouble

Kerry says "he says you don't have enough huevos!"  8|

I was like....oh yeah?!?! Ain't got enough HUEVOS HUH?!?!

stomped back there for second attempt and got the job done  :lmao:
I ask stupid questions
and make stupid mistakes

criticism, critique, derision, flaming, verbal abuse welcome