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New version of DIY Layout Creator

Started by bancika, January 26, 2011, 09:14:26 AM

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This is related to schematics and layouts so I reckon it's a good place to post. Some of you may have used the old version 1.x of DIYLC to draw stompbox layouts or the newer version 2.x that's supposed to draw amp layouts and schematics as well, but did it badly. Anyways, the new version 3 is developed from scratch to offer better performance and ability to draw pretty much anything. It's still under development, so component set is not very rich, but I encourage everyone to try it out and give some feedback. I want to iron out usability issues and make it as comfortable to use as possible to wide audience - pedal makers, amp makers, any DIY enthusiasts really.

You can find the latest version here, as well as some documentation http://diylc.org/

If you have any ideas you can either reply here, pm me or, even better, use "Report Bugs" feature and file a ticket with description of your requests or issues.

All the best,


Good to see you here, Bane!  I love your software.  I use the old 1.x version and it does vero layouts very well (although doesn't love running in Wine on my linux box so I have to use Windows).

I'll have to try out v3 for my next layout and see how I like it.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X

J M Fahey

Thanks a lot for your work.
You're the man !!
Layout Creator is the best design package in the specific area it was created for.
I used (still do) Version 1; wasn't lucky with the "Universal" (Java?) version 2; now I'll try "3" which must be excellent.
Congratulations on your work, specially because it helps so much pedal and such builders because it can be learnt so fast, it's so intuitive!!
Most other packages take a lot to be mastered, not an attractive proposition to a musician turned pedal builder.
Thanks again.


Version 3.0.4 is released.

If you're running older version 3.0.x, you should be able to see the yellow light bulb in the bottom left corner indicating that updates are available. Click on it gives the list of changes and download link. From now on, I'll keep that feed updated.

After I released 3.0.4, I found that editing numerical values is messed up. I'll fix that in the next round, but there should be enough good stuff in this version to make it worth checking out.



J M Fahey


you're very welcome. Don't hesitate to contact me with any ideas or requests  :tu:


I'll be sure to use this new version when I do the new layout for my J20 project.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


I downloaded the new version and started playing with it.  It's a lot different!  So far so good.  I was hoping to be able to draw schematics on this one as well...is this possible?
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


yes, the next build will have few schematic symbols added and few types of trimmers.


Quote from: bancika on February 03, 2011, 03:08:33 PM
yes, the next build will have few schematic symbols added and few types of trimmers.

Ah.  Well I will probably go back to version 1.2.3 for now then.  Keep us posted.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


but version 1.x doesn't have any schem symbols :)


Quote from: bancika on February 03, 2011, 04:22:22 PM
but version 1.x doesn't have any schem symbols :)

No, but neither does the new one and I'm more comfortable/all my files are only compatible with the old one.  So until the new one can do schematics it's not worth me re-writing any files I want to make changes to etc.

Also, the default size for resistors and caps seems crazy big on the new version.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


yeah, it's pretty much random, but more suitable for amps than pedals. Good thing about the new one is that you can set dimensions (or any other property) the way you like them and app will use them as defaults for new components. That's what those checkboxes in the editor do.
I understand why you want to wait, this isn't ready to do any "real" work yet.

Alexius II

I think it will turn out pretty good...
I was shocked today when I first noticed that resistor "color code" actually changed with resistors value  :o :tu:

But there is one thing: pleeeeaaase, I beg you to offer some way of disabling the stickyness :-\
Version 2.x had the "sticky points" as default, but offered a "disable" option.

This sticky points always make me crazy  xP ;)

ps: also, I kind of miss the "draw rectangle" option. I used it a lot - mostly to draw the "ground planes".
pps: I just found out I could do the same with the "blank boards" colored in black  ;D

For better understanding of what I was trying to do,
here is a snapshot (from 2.x version):
