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Messages - sratell

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Fishman LoudMini Charge smoked
November 23, 2024, 07:44:51 PM
Thank you for your responses. I was mainly trying to find out Fishmans integrity from other experiences. My amp guys negative response, the unreturned phone calls and emails with Fishman and the fact I was not finding schematics gave me the impression I was going to find a dead end no matter what. I called the support number on their website to no avail.

For what its worth it is Fishman Loudbox Mini Charge - model #494-000-582.

Thank you sincerely for your responses. I will probably buy a new one with Black Friday sales and maybe this one can be resurrected in the future...
The Newcomer's Forum / Fishman LoudMini Charge smoked
November 22, 2024, 08:08:29 PM
Plugged wrong power source into my Fishman amp. Quilter 24v instead of original 12v. Now I have flashing lights - thats all! Does anyone have experience with one of these amps? Fishman ignores my calls and emails. My tube tech wont touch it. Great amp, would love to resurrect it. Any help appreciated. Thanks.