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Coronavirus hitting the music industry

Started by joecool85, March 11, 2020, 02:05:47 PM

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All performing artists are going to start feeling the hit of Coronavirus, even if they don't get infected.  Most large venue concerts have been cancelled or probably will be soon due to mounting concerns of the virus spreading even farther.  I recommend what others have been saying for a while now on this: wash your hands regularly, stay away from large group gatherings, keep yourself healthy (eating properly, exercise, plenty of sleep, etc) so you can combat it if you do get infected.

Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


Justin Bieber had a big tour booked in the US but ticket sales were slow so they had to change venues to smaller places. This was before the virus really got serious press. Now they may have to cancel the whole thing or postpone it.

The question I have is: If you get it once, are you immune or can you get it again ? Or is it like the flu and it mutates every year ?


Quote from: Loudthud on March 13, 2020, 03:08:25 AM
Justin Bieber had a big tour booked in the US but ticket sales were slow so they had to change venues to smaller places. This was before the virus really got serious press. Now they may have to cancel the whole thing or postpone it.

The question I have is: If you get it once, are you immune or can you get it again ? Or is it like the flu and it mutates every year ?

From what I have gathered, it seems like the common cold regarding how your immune system works.  Meaning that if that exact strain came by again you should be fine if you were already exposed, but it will most likely mutate frequently and change causing you to potentially get re-infected.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


There have been reports of patients that were deemed recovered from the coronavirus only to test positive for it again after being discharged. This could of been missed the first time since the testing equipment might be to blame and over-crowding hospitals led to a desire to discharge patients too quickly.

However, there is one article I remember reading in which they stated "the body does not become immune after infection." Something about antibodies produced during infection not being strong enough to provide future infection from the same strain. Honestly, I think it's all too early to say since most of that data came from China, who were very overwhelmed by the virus.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein


The Elephant in the room; :o
It took ~~ 40,000 Yrs to reach 200 Million people on this planet
At the time of Christ it's estimated that it was a shade under 200Million.
By the 1830's we cracked the 1 Billion mark.
Less that 200 Years later we have hit the 7.8 Billion.
Now if that does not tell you the real reason for the worlds problem I don't know what will. 8|
Unlike the FAKE hockey stick curve presented by Al Gore this one is REAL.
Scroll down a bit for the graph,, scary :'(

Anyone who is familiar with the world of Stock markets will likely know of the bell curve. It goes up and then crashes.
That graph shows it's about to fall over and crash. xP

I do realise that no Politician or world science geek is ever going to mention it in public but that is a reality that we as a species will ALL have to face in the not to distant future.

Regarding *Joecools* comments staying healthy;
Same problem as my fish aquariums when I was a kid,, once they breed and the tank gets over crowded then disease often takes over.
It's darn hard to stay healthy when the whole place is full of pollutants from being packed in a sardine tin while eating organically dead processed food. xP

We fall victim to bad health because we are feed crap food so hence our health in general is starting to fail us, especially in western countries.
If you buy packaged food from supermarkets then it's highly likely you are eating unhealthy highly processed crap foods.
Wheat was hybridized in the 40's and went world wide by the 70's. At that time the world was in famine and it solved a problem. That bloke got the nobel prize, but guess what?  We just kept breeding more people. Durh!!!
As the old saying goes you solve one problem only to find you just created a much bigger problem. opps!
Sadly modern hybrid wheat has a higher GI level than sugar. Sugar is 55 while white bread is in the~60's :o  **Ed opps,, Sugar is 59, Wheat is 69**
It's estimated that 1 in 4 people in the western world now have diabetes. (another Hockey stick curve)
Before sugar was refined and wheat was hybridized Diabetes was hardly ever noted. Now it's off the scale.
If you don't know, Hybrid wheat products of some kind are in nearly all processed foods, that's just about everything in packets, boxes or cans.
I have not used the bread or cereal isle for many years now and I'm in far better health than I have ever been.
Really good info is very very hard to find and you have to read a lot, Do your own research and stay away from doctors as they will make you sicker than you already are. 8|
I've had debilitating health issues since my teens and in the end I was forced to heal myself. It was a lot of work but I no longer live in fear of silly viruses.


Quote from: phatt on March 14, 2020, 09:17:52 AM
The Elephant in the room; :o
It took ~~ 40,000 Yrs to reach 200 Million people on this planet
At the time of Christ it's estimated that it was a shade under 200Million.
By the 1830's we cracked the 1 Billion mark.
Less that 200 Years later we have hit the 7.8 Billion.
Now if that does not tell you the real reason for the worlds problem I don't know what will. 8|
Unlike the FAKE hockey stick curve presented by Al Gore this one is REAL.
Scroll down a bit for the graph,, scary :'(

There are people that suggest that the human population on Earth be limited to 500 million. The first place I ran across this was here:
It's interesting that they can't seem to be able to track down the people that paid to put these things up.


Quote from: Loudthud on March 14, 2020, 10:47:28 PM
Quote from: phatt on March 14, 2020, 09:17:52 AM
The Elephant in the room; :o
It took ~~ 40,000 Yrs to reach 200 Million people on this planet
At the time of Christ it's estimated that it was a shade under 200Million.
By the 1830's we cracked the 1 Billion mark.
Less that 200 Years later we have hit the 7.8 Billion.
Now if that does not tell you the real reason for the worlds problem I don't know what will. 8|
Unlike the FAKE hockey stick curve presented by Al Gore this one is REAL.
Scroll down a bit for the graph,, scary :'(

There are people that suggest that the human population on Earth be limited to 500 million. The first place I ran across this was here:
It's interesting that they can't seem to be able to track down the people that paid to put these things up.

Thanks, Interesting find, I did not know about that one.
Maybe they wanted to stay anonymous as they would have been persecuted. 
Although a bit hard for us all to swallow it's a fair assessment as there is a limit to how many people the planet can sustain.


Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X