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a start to a raggedy work space

Started by saturated, September 01, 2023, 03:56:09 PM

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mocked it up with my jams

still need a set of shelves on the bottom

them wood blocks got to go

in the middle where those speakers are will be scope, ps, sg etc

all 100% roadside acquisition...obviously  ::)

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maybe it will evolve from here
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actually added some equipment

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alright well i was getting kinda tired of the stacked massive 12x12s and coffee tables
so rather than lay on the couch and watch football (at least what we in the US call football)  I decided to build a new set up from existing lumber gathering dust

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it was very muggy and humid out....

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finally got it in and everything swapped out

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and its immediately obvious as i lay here on the couch finally watching the evening game that those 2x4 toe boards have to go

oh well not tonight

its a work in progress i suppose

looks more like some bunk beds than work space

it is def much lighter than the previous set up so that is an improvement

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and i have decided to invert the shelves (per my original design)
yes originally the two shelves were intended for the  2x4s to be on the bottom and plywood on top
but then i was like dude you are wasting too much space....so at the last minute i decided to go with the current configuration....which isnt working

so first day off and dry weather i will undo it and flip the shelves 180

and add a few gussets here and there

I have some long strips of idk....1x3 or something i do want to put on the edge of the shelves for some SMALL LOW toe board

after that i will be looking to organize cables...test leads...probes etc somehow


i have an old craftsman miter saw i got cheep it aint much but it sure helps alot cutting 2x4s especially at angles

I also have a big table saw i brought home from off the curb it works good but i was struggling with it mightily. halfway thru a cut of plywood it would get in a bind and a thermal switch would cut the motor off.
frustrating indeed....

an older gentleman friend of mine explained i need to utilize the fence to keep everything moving straight.

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Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


Quote from: saturated on September 24, 2023, 09:19:53 PMalright well i was getting kinda tired of the stacked massive 12x12s and coffee tables

it is def much lighter than the previous set up so that is an improvement


they are not 12x12s they are not even 8x8 inches they measured about 7 3/4 x 7 3/4

unbelievable how heavy they are....each 33" long piece weighs 36 lbs

so having those 4 sections alone was 144 lbs....i think

glad i got them out

my house is raggedy too and its on piers...just paid 4 grand to get it leveled

cant be having tons of weight

its a wonder all the people used to have water beds

cant imagine what a full one weighed
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ok electronics work bench mk 3 is done

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im actually pretty tired even though it was only modified still took me at least 3 hrs

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btw my old coffee table got repurposed

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ok back at it...gonna build a similar overhead shelf network for my three amps and guitar books etc

first had to go to a construction site and scrounge up some wood

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then spent a few hours getting nails out

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lots of nails

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and finished wood with no nails

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looking forward to having my amps organized and ready...two Peaveys and a Crate

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ok im kinda finished

man the mosquitos are unreal
i had on shorts and sandals and got eaten up all day constantly

i got it put in my room

its pretty ugly

surely there will be some modifications

and the roof is not on the top book shelf yet

i have mixed feelings but its ready to rock....

Peavey...Crate...Peavey....and last but not least...Ibanez

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I am really enjoying this set up

very much so

but apparently this Crate Amp was neglected and not played enough and in need of some love

because this slide switch has been cutting in and out and off and on...but getting better with some exercise

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Quote from: saturated on October 10, 2023, 11:49:46 PMI am really enjoying this set up

very much so

but apparently this Crate Amp was neglected and not played enough and in need of some love

because this slide switch has been cutting in and out and off and on...but getting better with some exercise

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It probably needs to be cleaned.  Personally I'm not a fan of slide switches at all, mostly for this reason.
Life is what you make it.
Still rockin' the Dean Markley K-20X


i have been needing a lighted magnifying glass

finally picked one up yesterday

no name but heavy piece of steel for a base

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Excellent.  Have never seen one with a stand like that, usually they clamp on to desk.
I like this so much more.  I think I'll try to cobble something together with my desk mount lamp and a broken mic stand.  :)


yes sir thanks

its also nice how the cord is not inside the tube it can rotate with the upper section

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