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Messages - Covers4Christ

Thanks to everyone.

I hooked up my pedalboard today, no problems.......but when I checked the cables connecting the noise suppressor to the effects loop, I got the same distorting sound along with the extremely quiet volume when I jiggled them around.

I have no clue how the cable kept fading like it did, but that would explain why when I bypassed my pedal board the problem still occured, I forgot to take out my noise suppressor.

Thank you all so much to everyone who helped! I was ready to assume the amp had given up and have to buy a new amp.

You've all been such a help. God bless all of you!
So all I have is it worked one night, I came in and it worked, cut the volume to tune, and it kept cutting in and out, when it cut back it it would distort the speaker terribly. Im sorry if that doesn't help......I almost wish it'd have problems....

So here's what I meant here.......

The issue is that the amp didn't just die, It faded in and out; When it faded out it was extremely quiet, when it faded back in the speaker would distort alot, then the guitar would play through just fine. This happened  Sunday at church when the problem first occurred,  I first checked the guitar/cable, then just when straight Guitar-Cable-amp and this continued to happen.

As for the testing........
I tried with JUST the guitar to the cable, to the amp, no noise gate. Plugged it into the CD input, Regular input, AND the effects loop return, and had no problems, I played with it for almost an hour and not once did I have the problem.

So what I worry about is the fact that as of right now; My amp works perfectly, no problems.

But it had a very real problem on Sunday morning. So I'd almost rather it have problems so I could troubleshoot better, then wait for it to happen again.

I'm gonna hook my pedal board back up today and see if the problem happens or not, the noise gate was off, so I don't think that was the problem, but the cables may have had problems......

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR HELPING, I had no clue what I was gonna do haha
Thanks so much for helpn out.

To start of, I dont have a power amp input jack, but I did try the cd input.

The thing that happened worries me, I played through both the input and cd input, both worked as if nothing is wrong..........

So all I have is it worked one night, I came in and it worked, cut the volume to tune, and it kept cutting in and out, when it cut back it it would distort the speaker terribly. Im sorry if that doesn't help......I almost wish it'd have problems....Im scared to rely on it, but I don't want to buy a new amp I can't afford yet when I don't have to.

I will say this.....I had a noise suppresor in the effects loop, I KNOW it wasn't the noise gate that did it, because it was turned off. but could it be a problem in the effects loop perhaps?
The Newcomer's Forum / Solid State Amp Problem!
May 07, 2012, 03:26:16 PM
Ok, so I was at Church, I play on Saturday Nights AND Sunday Mornings.

Long story short my am broke, I'd like to know what direction to go about fixing it, It's a WAY old marshall 50 watt, like, 20 years old. I don't know much besides that, the model says G50CD.

So here's what happened.

I got to church, and from 4:20ish to 7:30ish, my solid state amp was on, played through service, no problem.

THE NEXT MORNING. I go to church, turn everything on, play 3 songs to warm up with the worship band, Cut my signal with my tuner ( know.......tune) and when I brought up my volume pedal it was like no sound would come out. The amp like would cut back in with a lot of speaker distortion, but then be fine for like 10 seconds, then die the same way again. I went direct in guitar to amp with two different cables, and two different guitars. So It's the amp Im assuming........

What's wrong, Can it be fixed, and how much would it end up costing to be fixed?

Thanks so much to any help that can be offered.