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Messages - joecool85

Preamps and Effects / Re: Lets design a preamp!
March 31, 2006, 02:38:09 PM
I was going by what someone suggested to me.  Good to see some ideas, lets see some more!  I'd love to see this thing actually happen.  Brian told me he would do the design and get 5 boards printed for $100, or if we can get 10 people to do the lm3886 group buy he will do it for free!
Amplifier Discussion / Re: My little gems
March 31, 2006, 01:41:55 PM
Wow, yours kills mine in the looks department lol.
Preamps and Effects / Lets design a preamp!
March 31, 2006, 01:20:51 PM
Ok, so we are going to base this thing off from the K-20X preamp because its simple and has great tone.  But, we are going to ditch the OD for simplicity's sake, plus then people can add their own OD later, and we are going to add a buffer to the front.  Anyone want to throw up a quick schematic of their best idea for it?  If we get this thing looking good, we can get some PCBs printed up with on them and sell them for cheap.
Schematics and Layouts / Little Gem
March 31, 2006, 10:45:52 AM

Thank you!
Amplifier Discussion / My little gems
March 31, 2006, 10:44:20 AM

My first little gem.  It runs on one 9v and is in a cheap treasure chest that I bought for $2 at a dollar store.  The 1/8" jack isn't a headphone jack, but an external speaker jack for my pot cab.

Here is my little gem clipper.  I can hook it onto my pocket and walk around playing guitar in my apartment.  No volume control, I just use the guitar's volume...and leave it all the way up anyway.  The switch on it goes from clean to OD.  It runs on 3xAA.

The schematic is available at and in the schematics section of the forum.
Amplifier Discussion / My lm3886 power amp
March 31, 2006, 10:23:49 AM

The schematic for this is in the schematics section of the forum.
Schematics and Layouts / lm3886 amp
March 31, 2006, 10:18:55 AM

**Taken from the lm3886 manual @**
I think that regardless of how scientific it is or not, it would be interesting to compare some top end SS equiptment with some top end tube equiptment.  Have the same guitarist play on both sets of equiptment, and have "tube lovers" and "SS lovers" listen and see if they can tell the difference.  Have the amp and guitarist behind a wall with the speaker cab in the "audience."  It would be interesting at least.
I didn't mean at full volume.  You could get plenty of clean volume out of a bridged parallel lm4780 setup with 200w.

And as far as the SPIKe protection kicking it, its never happened to me, and I have played mine at painfully high levels.  It seems to be that you just need a massive heatsink, and a large transformer and you'll be fine.  Ask RDV about that.
As far as transparency goes, the lm3886 is pretty close.  Little to no coloring of the sound at all.  Actually, any good poweramp is like that, the non transparency is coming from the preamp.
I don't know about all that, but it has a really good tone as is in the K-20X.  I don't see why it wouldn't when using it for my preamp.  Right now I have it lined out to my lm3886 and it sounds great.  I like it anyway lol.

Now I just need to make a decent looking PCB design and get it printed.
Got it working on my external hd.  Wow, I suck at it lol.  I'm sure I can get the hang of it eventually though.
Amplifier Discussion / Re: Sweet heatsink
March 29, 2006, 03:30:35 PM
Yeah, for right now anyway.  I haven't tried it on guitar yet, I play on doing that eventually though as Brian is curious and so am I.  Nothing like 40w of computer speaker power.
Quote from: Crystallas
Eagle has been around for a while now, and runs on everything but native solaris and OS/2. Solaris 10 runs it in linux mode just fine, so I dont expect that to change LOL.

I was going to say for you to use eagle. But its such an obvious answer, I figgured you didnt want to learn eagle to convert it.

I downloaded it and went to install it, only to find that it only works on OSX 10.3, I'm running 10.4.5 lol.  Luckily my external hard drive is running 10.3.9, so I'll boot that up later and try installing it on there.