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The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Dukane content
November 09, 2024, 08:50:47 PM
So now I have a purpose in life

Find out how to connect a pair of normal 8ohm speakers and a tuner to the controller via the level control 
Then connect that to the amp or vice versa
The controller also has a power switch on the front so I have to find out how to connect the mains

Shouldnt be too bad compared to trying to install in a university auditorium  :-X
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Dukane content
November 09, 2024, 07:39:33 PM
Here is the front of the controls switches or anything
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And here is the "controller"  :loco
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Lots of terminals
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The speaker has some multi tab transformers
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And all put back in their home for now
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The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Dukane content
November 09, 2024, 07:18:08 PM
View from the top
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The Newcomer's Forum / Dukane content
November 09, 2024, 07:13:03 PM
Big thanks to Mick for encouraging me (almost a year ago) to try and get something out of this ancient artifact  :dbtu:

I wanted to put on my big ugly dim bulb tester but was kinda perplexed by the results.

60w bulb unscrewed and 43w bulb screwed in
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Now 60w bulb screwed in and 43w bulb unscrewed
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And both screwed in
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I didn't know if this was good or bad...they both glowed but more pink and orange not like a bright light.

So I figured ok might as well try something but maybe it's got blown outputs (?)

I grabbed a speaker and not having the slightest idea where to attach I picked two terminals and attached them and when I plugged it back in I was stunned to hear some noise  :lmao:

I grabbed my cable to attach a signal and I can't believe it works  :loco  8|  xP  :grr  <3)  :dbtu:

But when I increased signal output it got really ugly sounding like it was in a blender  :grr

So I removed some jumpers that had been there probably forty or fifty years and tried it again this time nice and clean  :dbtu:

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Also I saw the bulb would get brighter when I increased signal 🚦

If you are wondering there are no controls or power switch. 

It came with another piece that had knobs and level controls and one medium sized speaker.

Btw attached to the power cord were a couple of tags like instructions how to attach speakers
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So wow I'm really glad that I tried it and got sound thanks again Mick  <3)

If I can get it set up to listen to ball games from a tuner or maybe even some music man that would be awesome  :tu:

Hey guys do you think that is a transformer and a choke or two transformers  :loco

The Newcomer's Forum / Inductors measuring low
November 09, 2024, 05:28:49 AM
I ordered some 10 and 15 mh inductors off da bey.

No big deal but they measured IIRC like 8.8 and 13.2

I'm just using them in my experiments for my lab text. And will make sure to use the actual values in my calculations.

They don't have color codes so no tolerance I like em enough the leads are right for breadboard  :tu: and they were cheap no indicators of manufacturer.

Just more stuff I'm learning I reckon time to look for or start paying attention to specs  :police:  or if I actually need or want the primo to pay up.

Btw all good my house isnt los alamos these are great for my mickey mouse 🐭 🐁 setup. 

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Soldering wires together
November 08, 2024, 06:53:36 AM
So the morning after...I'm thinking that's not a good idea to run the primary through a breadboard


So now will be looking for a safe way to connect power cord from variac to primaries.

The Newcomer's Forum / A new book [Op-Amp experiments]
November 07, 2024, 11:05:16 PM
Check it  xP

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Briefly looking through it it has tons of experiments where he has you make little circuits to make and do cool stuff.

Like....make an op amp differentiator.  And integrator.

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Soldering wires together
November 07, 2024, 09:36:37 PM
Speaking of Rube Goldberg

So I start with my big ugly heavy (but fused) variac
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A power cord plugged into that with two female connectors (you guys are gonna love this)
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Then those cables to breadboard
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Which I guess all is not lost when there are plenty of opportunities to reinvent the wheel   :tu:

The Newcomer's Forum / Soldering wires together
November 07, 2024, 09:25:55 PM
Or how not to  :loco

I needed to make my transformer bread board friendly things are getting Rube Goldberg enough around here.

So I soldered some jumper wires to the primary and secondary transformer leads.

For your entertainment  :lmao:

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The finished product

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And some okrer gumbo with shrimp 🦐 and fake 🦀 crab
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 :dbtu:  :loco

The Newcomer's Forum / Re: The Edsyn SoldaPullt
November 06, 2024, 02:50:29 AM
I just had a lot of fun doing more desoldering I wanted a voltage regulator so when I went to desolder it the solder would NOT melt  :grr I had read stuff about people tinning their iron tip and I wondered if putting some flux on the bead would help.
I finally got some solder and flowed some on and started making progress though it seemed like reverse engineering  :lmao:
I was able to desolder the little heat sink as well.
Since the voltage regulator looks like a transistor I wanted to see if I could trick my peak atlas so I hooked it up it was smart it said something like "led or diode junction" and identified the anode and cathode.

Moving on I looked for some more cool stuff left on the board so I desoldered about six or seven blue capacitors and I didn't even have to use the SoldaPullt I guess I had unwittingly prepped my tip idk but I was pulling them off like an assembly line as soon as I put the iron to the leads the solder melted..... 8|  xP

I'm gonna read about this phenomenon with interest as up to this point I was like dude what does it matter if the tip is rusty you are melting stuff  :loco

Thank you sir
You are and have always been one of the most proficient procurers of schematics ever  <3)  :trouble  :loco  :dbtu:
Actually I don't even think it needs to be 12-0-12 I looked at the exercises and all they have me doing is inputting different Vp-p from every permutation of terminals calculating and the measuring

Which I have one I don't recall the voltage ⚡ but it has two green wires then a green/yellow

Thank you sir
I looked some more at the text and maybe a 12-0-12 will do it.

I have the carcass of a crate mx10 no speaker I'm trying to find the specs without butchering it.

I was in a pickle about some transformers having more than two primary wires maybe it's for 120 vs 240

 Optimus Prime is laughing  :loco
I think  :loco

I need a transformer for an upcoming chapter in the book I have been working through
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I remember this artifact having 12v outlets on the back
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Open it up looks good  <3) You cannot view this attachment.

But testing is disappointing
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But there are two 12v outlets on the back right gotta be a way to get 24v but I look and they are wired in parallel (?)  :grr

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Have I been defeated by decepticons  :lmao:
The Newcomer's Forum / Re: Possible ripple sighting
November 02, 2024, 01:09:50 PM
Yes sir thanks