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"Solid State Tube Sound" preamp video clip!

Started by darwindeathcat, March 13, 2008, 06:28:52 PM

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Hi All,

   I built this "Solid State Tube Sounding" preamp from a schematic found here: http://members.tripod.com/gillcar/id24.htm, and I reported it earlier in a thread over in the newbies forum.
   Well... I finally got around to recording how is sounds! I posted a video on you-tube of me playing through it with a couple of different effects. You can check it out via the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVD97PAx4qc
   I'd really like to hear your feed back as to how it sounds. Although *basically* know what a tube amp is supposed to sound like, I have never owned one, so I am not sure how close this preamp gets. I do think that it sounds really good, and definately sounds *better* to my ears than a standard solid state preamp... Now, the question of it sounding "tubey"? Well, I'll let you decide!
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Sounds pretty decent (and a tidy build, btw), but sure is a tough call whether it sounds "tubey", what with running it through a couple of other boxes and a pignose. What's it sound like as a standalone thru a clean amp? Which of the several schematics on that linked page did you build? And where'd the cool hinged box come from?

Were you looking for a particular sonic character of tubes (like compression or frequency response)? Guess I just tend to go for what sounds good to my ears these days and "tubey" is a pretty subjective (and oft debated) label.



Thanks for your comments (and compliments on a tidy build)! Yeah, after the fact I relized I should have just run it into my PA amp, and comped it with the PA's mic preamp... When I get a bit of free time, I'll definately make another vid of that... I used the schematic for the "original" version, not the schematic with all the tone circuitry. It's the schematic that comes with a PCB layout. Be sure to note that I opted to add the "drive" pot, which is an extra bit of schematic you can download lower down on that page... The box i used is a steel cashbox--the kind used at low budget "community events" that only has a small slot on the top, and a generic keyed latch. It's of fairly thin metal (maybe 1/8'' at most), so I probably wouldn't use it as stompbox, but it was great for this project (and it's really easy to change the battery). I got it used at the thrift store for $1.
   Yeah, I'm not to hung up on obtaining "true tube sound", but I definately am on the quest for a SS design that has very smooth ("tubelike", if you will) distortion characteristics, and that does not use clipping diodes (just don't particularly care for the way they sound)... So far, I'm really happy with this design, but I thought I'd get some opinions of people that have heard a lot more devices than I have... My next projects will all be based on various ROG fet-based pedal designs (the professor tweed, the odie, and the fetzter valve to be exact)... Thanks for you input! I really appreciate it! And stay tuned for the next vid!
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Hi all... I have now uploaded a video of a head to head of this preamp, both set to a clean and to a dirty tone, with the built in preamp in my PA... There is nothing at all in my effects line. It's just harp (Bb Blues Harp), mic (simple lo-Z dynamic element), preamp (either the SSTS pre, or the PA pre), PA. Nothin' else! Take a look at this one, I really think people will hear what this thing is capable of...

If you like it, let me know!


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That was excellent, you did a good job in both visual and sound demonstrations. That preamp really made your harp sound great. I've been searching for a DIY project to help create a tubelike tone for my 100 watt s.s. amp, and I believe this is it. Definitely am building this preamp. 
I was considering some tube screamer type projects but those really work best for tube amps. I really like this preamp sound, it's awesome. Your enclosure box looks great too, I like that.

Thanks for posting this preamp info and your demo vids too. You said you'll be building similar projects like this preamp. For sure, do some more projects like this one and keep them coming.  Looking forward to them. 



Nice build and nice tone from a wel designed , and simple FET Preamp. It is as close to a tube tone as you really need , if it sounds good it is good.

                                             Rock On