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I need help with howie style pedal.

Started by sjturbo, February 19, 2014, 08:07:33 PM

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Better minds here can explain the details of this issue meantime here is my observations.

The dreaded hiss issue is likely due to every stage having hi Z input. :-X
Take a look at the classic tube screamer circuit.
Note the input has a buffered input  (a BJT on early units ,,later just an opamp stage)
the next stage has the gain but with a much lower input Z. :dbtu:

What may not be obvious to the casual observer is that makes for MUCH less hizz and buzz and helps keeps the thing from wild oscillations. 8|

Some Boo-weak pedals actually remove that buffer claiming a much purer sonic result. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

What is sad is that the masses buy/build that crap thinking they are getting something better but in truth all you get is noise and a whole lot of problems that just makes life harder. Oh yes you may get x2 more gain but at the expense of x10 more problems.

I don't have the exact answer for you but it seems you have this on a test board of sorts so experiment with other options.

I know a lot of those starting out assume some circuits on the net that get rave reviews must be good as so many build them but until you have a bit of experience under your belt you have no real way to do valid comparisons so you don't really know how good they are.

As others here with heaps more experience than myself will tell you this is not a good design.
But keep experimenting it takes a lot to get a real picture of how tone is won and lost.



Quote from: phattI know a lot of those starting out assume some circuits on the net that get rave reviews must be good as so many build them but until you have a bit of experience under your belt you have no real way to do valid comparisons so you don't really know how good they are.

As I have been heard to say "Compared to WHAT?".  Mainly in the context of computer stuff, operating systems, software, languages and so on, because so often the raves come from people who are basically newbies who don't actually have any experience of anything else to compare.

A very telling question is to ask "so, what is wrong/not good about the thing you are raving about?" and if you can't get a sensible answer then you can safely dismiss the rave as uninformed and one-sided because whatever we are talking about has an area of application, and outside that area it's not so great - it may be a wonderful spanner, but it ain't a screwdriver.  There is no such thing as "one size fits all".
If you say theory and practice don't agree you haven't applied enough theory.


Thanks Phatt, for the buffer/high Z thoughts! I will mull over some possible changes. I am actually quite pleased at the present with the tone, other than a bit to much bass and the noise issue, I am getting out of the pedal but please don't mistake my enthusiasm for raving. I realize I am a novice at tweaking build pedals but I have been listening to them since I bought my first Maestro Fuzztone in New York in 1966 after hearing "Satisfaction". I try not to base my decision to build a pedal on hype but there is always the first time. Again thank very much for the time you have spent on my build.